Abolish Disjointed Time

  • chrisn-585491 - Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:00 AM

    I was in the military and also did shift work, so time and place is just another thing you deal with.

    But I have this neat idea how to fix the calendar with it's stupid variable days in a month... 😛

    I'm intrigued - perhaps we could go to 5 * 73 day months every year? 😉 I think it's Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 68 today, no?

  • call.copse - Friday, March 9, 2018 2:43 AM

    chrisn-585491 - Thursday, March 8, 2018 11:00 AM

    I was in the military and also did shift work, so time and place is just another thing you deal with.

    But I have this neat idea how to fix the calendar with it's stupid variable days in a month... 😛

    I'm intrigued - perhaps we could go to 5 * 73 day months every year? 😉 I think it's Prickle-Prickle, Chaos 68 today, no?

    (going off topic)

    I once did tech. support for a company that had their financial year organised into 13 months of 28 days and one intercalary day (which, if I remember correctly, was Christmas Day. Payroll went out every 28 days and their employees got paid then, regardless of when it the month it was.
    The accountant told me that it took a few months to get used to it but once you had, it seemed completely natural.

  • Well, I sure do hope that now we've had a couple days to, as we used to say, 'simmer down' about DST, maybe we can get back to some of the lesser issues such as a new larger data type for the national debt, or maybe how we can better stereotype the loonies running around getting ready to kill folks. ( Did you ever notice that in the published pictures of the crazy killers there is often that certain look in the eye or facial expression?)  I sure hope all of your little ones survived this traumatic experience of losing an hour due to these drastic measures.

    Yeah, go ahead and vilify me, and then get over it.  ;>)


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • skeleton567 - Tuesday, March 13, 2018 6:18 AM

    Well, I sure do hope that now we've had a couple days to, as we used to say, 'simmer down' about DST, maybe we can get back to some of the lesser issues such as a new larger data type for the national debt, or maybe how we can better stereotype the loonies running around getting ready to kill folks. ( Did you ever notice that in the published pictures of the crazy killers there is often that certain look in the eye or facial expression?)  I sure hope all of your little ones survived this traumatic experience of losing an hour due to these drastic measures.

    Yeah, go ahead and vilify me, and then get over it.  ;>)

    Let me guess, you double bagged your coffee maker this morning?  :crazy:

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Eric M Russell - Tuesday, March 13, 2018 7:26 AM

    skeleton567 - Tuesday, March 13, 2018 6:18 AM

    Well, I sure do hope that now we've had a couple days to, as we used to say, 'simmer down' about DST, maybe we can get back to some of the lesser issues such as a new larger data type for the national debt, or maybe how we can better stereotype the loonies running around getting ready to kill folks. ( Did you ever notice that in the published pictures of the crazy killers there is often that certain look in the eye or facial expression?)  I sure hope all of your little ones survived this traumatic experience of losing an hour due to these drastic measures.

    Yeah, go ahead and vilify me, and then get over it.  ;>)

    Let me guess, you double bagged your coffee maker this morning?  :crazy:

    OH, I meant the look in the eyes of the killers...  I have had my usual 32 ounces of java so far.   And this is the third day from the time change.


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

  • I was awake during the time change, so I still got 8 hours sleep, no problem.  Time to move on.

  • Lynn Pettis - Tuesday, March 13, 2018 9:50 AM

    I was awake during the time change, so I still got 8 hours sleep, no problem.  Time to move on.

    wow, Lynn, that is without a doubt the most intelligent solution that I've seen on here yet.  Many years ago when I was a newbie in IT, we had a saying that I attributed to someone at IBM, back in their hayday, of 'Use the KISS method'  For you who may not have been there, the means 'Keep it simple, Stupid'.  Lynn has done that.  Bravo!


    One of the best days of my IT career was the day I told my boss if the problem was so simple he should go fix it himself.

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