Abnormal Error : Divison Zero with OLEDB Provider


    Hi Friends,

    My asp page is returning Divizion by zero error from the OLEDB Provider. I can open the recordset. But it occurs only while I loop through the records. The Query runs in SQL Query Analyzer very well, I can open the recordset through OLEDB Provider. But it prompts Division by zero error only after 3 records while issuing the Recordset.Movenext command.

    I am using SQL Server 2000 in Win 2003 envirnment.

    My Query:


    SELECT DATEPART(mm, K.[Date]) AS [Month], K.[KPI_Code], K.[Field_Code], K.[Field_Desc], K.[KPI_Value], K.[SubValue_1], CASE WHEN M.[MasterValue] IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(DECIMAL(5,2), (K.[SubValue_1] * 100) /M.[MasterValue]) END AS [ReturnPercent]

    FROM [OPS_KPI_Volume_Test] AS K



     SELECT [Field_Code], [SubValue_1] AS [MasterValue] FROM [OPS_KPI_Volume_Test]

     WHERE [KPI_Code] = 7 and DATEPART(mm, [Date]) = 6

    )  AS M

    ON K.[ReturnFieldCode] = M.[Field_Code]

    WHERE K.[KPI_Code] = 7 and DATEPART(mm, K.[Date]) = 6

    ORDER BY K.DisplayOrder


    Is anyone there can help me? My email is cragesh@gmail.com


    Ragesh Chavarattil

  • This should work.

    SELECT DATEPART(mm, K.[Date]) AS [Month], K.[KPI_Code], K.[Field_Code], K.[Field_Desc], K.[KPI_Value], K.[SubValue_1], CASE WHEN ISNULL(M.[MasterValue], 0) = 0 THEN NULL ELSE K.[SubValue_1] * 100.0 /M.[MasterValue] END AS [ReturnPercent]

    FROM [OPS_KPI_Volume_Test] AS K



    SELECT [Field_Code], [SubValue_1] AS [MasterValue] FROM [OPS_KPI_Volume_Test]

    WHERE [KPI_Code] = 7 and DATEPART(mm, [Date]) = 6

    ) AS M

    ON K.[ReturnFieldCode] = M.[Field_Code]

    WHERE K.[KPI_Code] = 7 and DATEPART(mm, K.[Date]) = 6

    ORDER BY K.DisplayOrder

  • OR:

    SELECT DATEPART(mm, K.[Date]) AS [Month], K.[KPI_Code], K.[Field_Code], K.[Field_Desc], K.[KPI_Value], K.[SubValue_1], K.[SubValue_1] * 100.0 /NULLIF(M.[MasterValue],0)  AS [ReturnPercent]

    FROM [OPS_KPI_Volume_Test] AS K



    SELECT [Field_Code], [SubValue_1] AS [MasterValue] FROM [OPS_KPI_Volume_Test]

    WHERE [KPI_Code] = 7 and DATEPART(mm, [Date]) = 6

    ) AS M

    ON K.[ReturnFieldCode] = M.[Field_Code]

    WHERE K.[KPI_Code] = 7 and DATEPART(mm, K.[Date]) = 6

    ORDER BY K.DisplayOrder



    * Noel

  • Thanks Remi Gregoire. It is working. But shall I know why my code is returning error even after opening the recordset. Also, I don't have zeros in my table.



  • Thanks. It is working.

  • I can only guess that the calculated part is done client side... but that doesn't make much sens. Maybe the set options are different on query analyser (can't go much further in details than that).

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