A very basic question... what to do..

  • Seeing as this is a Red-Gate sponsored forum and in the light of your predicament would there be a case to investigate the use and purchase of SQL alert for said crticial servers and databases. I have a huge library of SQL scripts, but these need constantly updating withthe changes of Technology. I am a big advocate of toolsets like SQL alert ( I actually use the Ideara product ) to keep me informed. With 20 + production servers it is not only necessary it enables me to know what is happening on the servers and correct conditions before they impact on the perfomance and availability of my servers.

    Lets push the big rocks first


    Disk Space

    Data space

    Log Space

    If the system is up an running, albeit slow, these toolsets can alert you on

    Memory Usage/availble

    Transactions / sec

    Blocked / Long running activity.

    I understand your position, try these toolsets you usually can get a fully functional free installation period.

    Just a thought.



  • Sam,

    Sounds like things aren't that bad. Good to know.

    We're here to help. Please start new threads for basic questions you have about how to do things. We will try to get you through this in places you don't understand.

  • Sam Shiell (5/8/2009)


    Interesting point. However if I don't do the dba stuff it doesn't get done, and if anything goes "bang" then we're dead.

    My company is the registering authority in the UK for a major section of the health service so if we're out of operation we could - quite literally - be putting lives at risk. Not something I'd want on my conscience because I "made a stand" against a short-term bad management decision.

    And in any case, showing flexibility, willingness, a consideration for the "bigger picture" and all that is a definite career enhancer if you play it right.

    But we've got off the point. Thanks for the thought though


    If the business is that critical, it would probably be worth it to consider an outside contractor to come help until you come up to speed if you're willing to remain a DBA, the contractor will help. Otherwise, you really should hire a DBA fulltime, if you don't want to become one. Your boss should understand hopefully.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • You know what Sam, If I was in your position, I would gladly take up the offer. You get to learn a lot and get into a field that is very interesting and challenging. So let me wish you the very best.. 🙂

    Any problem or doubt, just put a new thread in here and we will all help you.. 🙂


  • Sam Shiell (5/11/2009)

    Woa there guys, you seem to be stampeding off in your own direction.

    Yes, a questionable Management decision has left us at short notice without a DBA. As the only person with the knowledge and skills I've been asked (not told) to hold it together until a proper solution has been put in place ... i.e either someone new employed or a current employee (not me) has their job content changed so that they're number one priority is doing the DBA stuff. Almost certainly they'll have other things to do as well.

    I've formally raised the risks and concerns with senior management so they know the urgency of sorting it out permanently, and what could go wrong if they don't. My boss also knows that the working day isn't going to magically get longer so he's living with the fact that my "real" job is going to suffer.

    In the meantime I'm happy to be doing this. Nice to be getting my hands dirty again and stretch the old grey cells. There's just no sense of being presganged into the work and I have no concerns about my career prospects (well I do - don't we all - but that's for other unrelated issues)

    Thanks for the thoughts.


    Sorry about that, didn't mean to imply the worst that could happen. I know, coming from a non-DBA background, that it took some time. We know you'll do well. 🙂

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

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