A 'Non admin' lost ability to modify his own SQL 2005 Jobs

  • I have a user who is not a SysAdmin who created a couple of his own SQL Agent jobs. He has been able to modify them in the past (adding steps, changing schedule etc) but his ability to modify them has disappeared.

    We have not changed his permissions so this shouldnt have happened

    He is a 'dbo' of the MSDB DB and is also in the SQLAgentOperatorRole. He is still the owner of the jobs (and is also the creator). I cannot see why his ability to do this has gone. I have tried changing the owner of the jobs to somebody else and then back again (no difference), recreated the jobs from script (no difference), stopped/started services (no difference). I have removed his permissions from MSDB and regranted (no difference).

    The permissions look fine to me - has anybody else come across this before?

    His exact permissions within MSDB are db_ddladmin, db_dtsadmin, dbo, SQLAgentOperatorRole - this should provide what he needs (as far as i am aware)

    Does anybody have any ideas?



  • Maybe he has some deny permission or he is a part of a role that has some deny permission? If a user has grant and deny permissions of the same option, the deny permission will be the "winner".


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  • Thanks for the post.

    I can see NO 'deny' set anywhere within the config of the system. We only have 3 DBAs here and nobody has amended the security within SQL. I can see that a couple of windows patches hit the server the night the permissions changed:






    I cant see why a Windows patch would affect SQL permissions but this is the only thing which has changed as far as i can see - any further ideas?

  • You can check the permission of that user using sys.database_permissions and sys.server_permissions catalog views. The output of these views may help to identify the root cause.

  • I've seen users being granted sqlagentoperator role, also appear in SQLAgentUserRole and SQLAgentReaderRole.

    Did you try (re-) adding that user to these roles ?


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