A Natural Key Sequence Design

  • Hey, All!

    I've been working in SQL Server 2005 & Oracle 10g & 11g for the past year and now I'm back at a SQL Server 2000 DB Project whose design seems straight forward, but I've a twist I'm not sure about.

    Here is the basic scenario - a quality analysis data collector and reporting utility; I'm building the entire project and i'd like to be quick about it.

    I think I've got a good handle on the basic structure I need, but if you notice the DB Schema w/ descriptions below, I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to at least do tbKMQATest.TestId or rather how best to implement a natual key sequence number as part of a parent key, child key combination ...

    tbKMQASampleSource--- Collection points for the substances

    SampleSourceId-- PK Identity Seed

    SampleSourceDescription -- Test/Report Display

    tbKMQAMaterialSource--- Origination of the substance (yes it is a different entity entirely from the sample source)

    MaterialSourceId-- PK Identity Seed

    MaterialSourceDescription -- Test/Report Display

    tbKMQAMaterial--- The stuff being tested OR what its supposed to be

    MaterialId-- PK Identity Seed

    MaterialDescription -- Test/Report Display

    tbKMQACustomer--- Orginization paying for the test(s)

    CustomerId-- PK Identity Seed

    CustomerDescription --Test/Report Display

    tbKMQASieveSize-- Depending on the Material & Customer you will have various Sieves within your tests

    SieveSizeId -- PK Identity Seed

    SieveSizeDescription --Test/Report Display

    tbKMQATarget --- Each Customer has material specific acceptibility ranges for each Sieve Test; Targets are time specific

    TargetId-- PK

    TargetMin-- Minimum Range Value

    TargetMax-- Maximum Range Value

    EffectiveFromDate --- What do you think?

    EffectiveToDate --- What do you think?

    CustomerId --- FK tbKMQACustomer

    MaterialSourceId-- tbKMQAMaterialSource

    SiveSizeId-- FK tbKMQASieveSize

    tbKMQATestHeader--- A chosen Material goes through a SET of tests

    TestHeaderID-- PK the test SET

    TestYear-- Year of the test

    MaterialSourceID-- Source Key

    CustomerID-- Customer Key

    tbKMQATest --- Each test in a set has a specific Date & Time and should be sequencial (my issue)

    TestHeaderID -- PK FK

    TestID -- PK SEQUENCE 1 - N for each TestHeaderID (what is the best way to acomplish this? ??)

    TestDate -- Date of the Test

    TestTime -- Time of the Test

    tbKMQATestDetail --- Each Test will have a value for each Sieve required in its SET.

    TestDetailID -- PK

    TestHeaderID -- PK FK tbKMQATestHeader

    TestID -- PK FK tbKMQATestSEQUENCE 1 - N for each TestHeaderID

    SieveSizeId -- PK FK tbKMQASieveSize

    SieveValue -- Result of the individual Sieve Test

  • Hi James

    I have spent some time to figure out what your environment is focused on table association. This is what I discovered.

    1. tbKMQATarget has 3 FKs(FK tbKMQACustomer, FK tbKMQAMaterialSource, FK tbKMQASieveSize).

    2. tbKMQATestHeader has 2 FKs(FK tbKMQACustomer, FK tbKMQAMaterialSource).

    3. tbKMQATestDetail has 3 FKs but one of them is FK tbKMQASieveSize.

    Then tbKMQATarget could have 1 to 1 relation to tbKMQATestDetail. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Therefore the table tbKMQATestDetail may have a FK to tbKMQATestDetail and you can remove 2 FKs(FK tbKMQACustomer, FK tbKMQAMaterialSource) which makes a lot simpler to understand what you are trying to achieve.

    Going back to your question, about parent-child associated compound key, if you have reporting requirement to display MaterialID and CustomerID(instead of descriptions i mean) you can create compound key. But otherwise I suggest you to create a new identity for each table for tbKMQATest and tbKMQATestDetail table as below:


    TestID -- PK Identity

    TestHeaderID -- FK

    SequenceNo-- SEQUENCE 1 - N for each TestHeaderID

    TestDate -- Date of the Test

    TestTime -- Time of the Test


    TestDetailID -- PK Identity

    TestID -- FK tbKMQATest

    SieveSizeId -- PK FK tbKMQASieveSize

    SieveValue -- Result of the individual Sieve Test

    And this is something you may have to consider to change the FK.


    TargetId-- PK

    TargetMin-- Minimum Range Value

    TargetMax-- Maximum Range Value

    EffectiveFromDate ---

    EffectiveToDate ---

    TestDetailID-- FK tbKMQATestDetail

    /*remove the following compound key

    CustomerId --- FK tbKMQACustomer

    MaterialSourceId-- tbKMQAMaterialSource

    SiveSizeId-- FK tbKMQASieveSize


    Just a friendly discussion...

  • James,

    Are you expecting the TestID to repeat, starting at 1, for each HeaderID in the test table?

    --Jeff Moden

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    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Yes, that is how I will need to write the application - regardless of wheather I am able to implement it within the DB Schema or Application Business Logic;


  • Thank you for the discussion; one of my problems is that the targets exist without respect to the test and are applied to a test based on the tests' customer specifications for each sieve per material and material source; I did intend to explain this well enough not to cause anyone to loop the test backwards as the parent of the target, sorry for that.

    It may be that trying to constrain this application logic at the db schema level isn't practical, but I'd like to get as concrete a footing as possible before attempting to script the business logic.

    Let me know what you think,


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