A Look Back at Apple

  • Brent Ozar (8/28/2011)

    IceDread (8/28/2011)

    You were not listening. You can not go into a store and purchase a harddrive and install it yourself soon because of apples firmware, you must purchase it from apple.

    Errr, actually, IceDread, you weren't listening. He said he replaced his hard drive with an off-the-shelf Seagate, and I've done the same thing. Even my Air I'm using right now has a non-Apple SSD in it, and the Mac Mini sitting next to me is using Crucial memory and a Seagate drive I installed myself.

    I did read that. It's still possible, but it wont be when apple has their new firmware out on the machines.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (8/28/2011)

    I look for tools that work. My iPhone has been far and away the most stable cell phone I've had (used WP6.5, Android 1.6, 2.0, Sidekick) and I think the iTunes system, while flawed at times, works very well for me. The design and aesthetics make the products very simple and effective to me.

    My wife hates her iPhone, and prefers an Android. Different flavors for different folk, so use what you like.

    Steve Jobs, and the Apple products he helped bring out, with is drive and obsession over details, changed the world. Whether you like the products or not, he influenced other product lines and designs throughout technology and I think the world is better off for his work at Apple.

    Many people loves their iphone and thus it apparently is a great product for lots of customers. It seams however that a lot of users also finds the need to jailbreak their iphones because of the locked in nature of apple. If it were not for Steve here, maybe iphone would have been an even greater product without a need for jailbreak?

  • I agree with Steve , there is no doubt Jobs changed the face of computers and mobiles. In fact the trend has usually been Apple first and then the rest just try to catch up. I don't know if Apple will be able to continue this with Jobs gone.

    However in the next few years if the brand power of Apple product come down I will feel a bit sad esp coz there are few companies with such a focus on innovation.

    Being a hit with the average consumer says a lot of Apples marketing and the fact that people don't mind being locked down overall (geeks are the exception). I think the biggest draw is the exclusivity that comes with owning an Apple Product.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Jayanth_Kurup (8/29/2011)

    I agree with Steve , there is no doubt Jobs changed the face of computers and mobiles. In fact the trend has usually been Apple first and then the rest just try to catch up. I don't know if Apple will be able to continue this with Jobs gone.

    However in the next few years if the brand power of Apple product come down I will feel a bit sad esp coz there are few companies with such a focus on innovation.

    Being a hit with the average consumer says a lot of Apples marketing and the fact that people don't mind being locked down overall (geeks are the exception). I think the biggest draw is the exclusivity that comes with owning an Apple Product.

    Actually, was it not Nokia first here? All thou I dont know if anyone liked their product, then apple did a good version of it.

  • Apple products are higher-end consumer products and tailored for that market except for a few niches. Look over the last ten years of their history and notice that they really don't want to support corporate or enterprise clients, mainly because that would hurt their high profit margin. Look at their abandonment of their server hardware, affordable towers, the de-evolution of Final Cut Pro, the way they have treated the App store developers and the lack of backwards compatability and corporate support. Their laptops aren't necessary a good first choice for the SQL Server developer or admin.

  • chrisn-585491 (8/29/2011)

    Apple products are higher-end consumer products and tailored for that market except for a few niches. Look over the last ten years of their history and notice that they really don't want to support corporate or enterprise clients, mainly because that would hurt their high profit margin. Look at their abandonment of their server hardware, affordable towers, the de-evolution of Final Cut Pro, the way they have treated the App store developers and the lack of backwards compatability and corporate support. Their laptops aren't necessary a good first choice for the SQL Server developer or admin.

    Is it your point that apple failed with delivering competitive products like servers to companies and thus abandoned selling to these types entities altogether or just not servers?

    I know some companies and schools in Sweden that does use apple personal computers.

    One thing that does make apple stand out however is that they have few low-costing products, they do not compete in that market segment. This gives them perhaps a better appeal to some people as well as rumors about computers not working should be lower than for companies that does sell low costing computers. However, apples portable computers has just as much issues as acers and asus and several others, apple actually has a slightly higher return frequency.

  • By the way, how many of you are enjoying Spotify? You know the company that apple tried to stop from launching in usa?

    I have a few spotify invites over if someone is interested, they just sit there on the account doing nothing anyway.

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