A Deeply Planted Seed

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item A Deeply Planted Seed

  • Thanks Andy, fun bit of trivia for the day!

    When searching Google (and I assume Bing) you can use a dash to EXCLUDE certain terms from results, which is why that search produces no results. If you search for "-2147483648" (including quotes) you get nearly 2m results, as you might expect 😉


  • I was wrong, but at least I was in the majority.

  • Thanks Andy for the attempt at creating another question.

    But the question is very ambiguous and wantonly misleading again. It seems to ask which of the three HA/DR technologies can support a table which has the specified design of the identity column.

    From the links the question you should have asked was :

    Using SQL Server 2012, which of the following activities will CREATE A table with an integer identity column with a seed of -2147483648?

    Choose your answer:

    Log Shipping



    All three - Log Shipping, Backup, and Replication

    Negative seeds aren't supported for integer columns


  • I wouldn't agree there--I was pretty sure the question was about some sort of table created as part of the function of one of the three top options, but I had no idea which one so I took a guess (and got it wrong). So, if there's an issue it's that the thing being asked about is really obscure, not that the question wasn't reasonably obvious.

  • Paul, probably different understanding of the word USE. I took it to mean "support" rather than "need". If I had read the question as was probably intended then the only option was Replication as part of the distribution database as the other two do not create additional tables when used. Unfortunately for me, I read it as "support", leading to the All three option due to all of the activities supporting tables with this design.


  • Thank you, Andy, Very good one.

    I got it wrong - I did a search in a crooked way - my steps were correct and I searched in all databases except one (ie; "distribution")

    USE distribution


    SELECT IDENT_CURRENT ('MStracer_tokens')

    (at first, I took the complete list of tables which has identity columns in them.. then ran a IDENT_CURRENT function to all those objects, none returned, except my own table I created to check, I did this in all databases except one - not sure how I missed it)

    The post was full fun. 🙂

    ww; Raghu
    The first and the hardest SQL statement I have wrote- "select * from customers" - and I was happy and felt smart.

  • Well, was pretty sure replication used that seed, wasn't sure if the others did or not.

  • James, I should have looked on the "-", but it's one of those cases I wish they would optimize for (or optimize me). Appreciate all the comments!

  • I blew that one.

  • Mark Fitzgerald-331224 (7/1/2014)

    Thanks Andy for the attempt at creating another question.

    But the question is very ambiguous and wantonly misleading again. It seems to ask which of the three HA/DR technologies can support a table which has the specified design of the identity column.

    From the links the question you should have asked was :

    Using SQL Server 2012, which of the following activities will CREATE A table with an integer identity column with a seed of -2147483648?

    Choose your answer:

    Log Shipping



    All three - Log Shipping, Backup, and Replication

    Negative seeds aren't supported for integer columns


    This is a good question, but I agree that it was misleading. Anyway, I guess better luck next time.

  • Interesting question, thanks.

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  • Negative Seed, hmmm, ok good one, at least lernet somthing new today.

  • James beat me to reminding about the "-" for excluding results! That has always been helpful in searching to get rid of wrong search results ( part of the google-fu belt i guess 🙂 )



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