7.0 to 2000 Upgrade

  • I am trying to upgrade a 7.0 database to 2000. I tried backup and restore. But during the restore process, it is creating additional file groups. Is that the right behavior? Can I keep the same file groups as the original?

    What is the safest way of upgrading a 7.0 database to 2000? Thank you for your help!

  • Is your 7.0 database created in multiple file groups? What additional file groups were created during the restoration?

    Both backup/restore and sp_detach_db/sp_attach_db work for you to upgrade 7.0 database to 2000.

  • The 7.0 database was created in two file gorups. During the restore to 2000, under options, three file groups showed up by default.

  • Are you tring to restore using EM? Under options, I can't see file groups showing up. Can you state how do you perform the restoration?

  • EM - Restore from device - Read from Media - Options. Maybe it is not filegroups, just data files.

  • Yes, there are MDF and LDF files. sp_helpfile will tell you all those files your database has.

  • These are data files in the original database. Thanks, Allen.

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