431 Training Kit - Chapter 8

  • Hi,

    Just wondering if anyone else finds Chapter 8 a hard one. I just did Lesson 2 and although I did all the SQL examples when I got to the practice questions I was pretty well lost. Is XML a large percentage of the overall exam points?

    Any other ways to learn XQuery/XPath in SQL?


  • NDA, we could tell you but then we'd have to kill you

  • Let me think on it, it's not a straight no.

  • I too, find the chapter on XML nebulous. Not seeking any illegal answers here, but a tip or two on where to expand on the material would be very helpful and much appreciated. :unsure:

    Mike C.

  • Thanks Steve. The XML Workshop series look like a nice gentle way in.

  • Ditto.

    Thanks Steve.

  • XML in 2005 seems to be really difficult for beginners when seen from the exam perspective.

    Also the HTTP endpoints and service broker is something new we got to learn..

  • I agree

    I skimmed through the XML chapter in 70-431 book quickly

    Then I changed a job, then I had to learn and use XML functions and now I'm pretty good at it

    Nothing beats actually using the skills to gain experiences at work

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • Nothing beats actually using the skills to gain experiences at work

    oh thats really true.. but i wonder if some DBA of today would really work in an environment where XML and service broker is already implemented :hehe:

  • Arun (10/12/2008)

    Nothing beats actually using the skills to gain experiences at work

    oh thats really true.. but i wonder if some DBA of today would really work in an environment where XML and service broker is already implemented :hehe:

    Here are a couple of areas where a DBA could use XML methodology to create useful analysis tools:

    (1) deadlock info stored in the SQL ERRORLOG as XML

    (2) execution plans of costly queries: looking for sub-optimal operators, such as hash joins, index scans etc.

    XML is really a development tool - as DBAs we need to think of ways to use it for our every day monitoring and tuning.

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