3 Parameters, select 1 parameter, pass the other 2 parameters

  • :crazy: Hey Everyone,

    This site is awesome first of all and has been very helpful. I have come across a new scenario that I need to pass. I have 3 parameters but I need the user to only select one and run the report. However, if the user selects 1 parameter, I receive the error saying, "Fill in the other parameter fields". I cannot use the Null option in the parameter properties do to inexperience users getting confused with the option. Does anyone know how to select 1 parameter and ignore the other 2? Any help would be appreciated. I am using the parameters in the WHERE Clause of my query.


    WaSysAssgnNbr, VendorAgtId, VendorCode, Default_ID, WA_TaxId, WA_Name, PlatformCode, BlkBusCode, GroupNbr, TermDate, PymtStructureId, PymtLvlNbr,

    PymtLvlAgentSan, PymtLvlAgentName, Payee_San, PayeeName

    FROM vwFmPymtStructure AS A

    WHERE (Default_ID = 'YES') AND (TermDate > { fn NOW() }) AND (WaSysAssgnNbr = @WaSanParameter) OR

    (TermDate > { fn NOW() }) AND (WaSysAssgnNbr = @WaSanParameter) AND (GroupNbr <> '') OR

    (Default_ID = 'YES') AND (TermDate > { fn NOW() }) AND (WA_TaxId = @WaTaxIdParameter) OR

    (TermDate > { fn NOW() }) AND (GroupNbr <> '') AND (WA_TaxId = @WaTaxIdParameter) OR

    (Default_ID = 'YES') AND (TermDate > { fn NOW() }) AND (Payee_San = @PayeeSanParameter) OR

    (TermDate > { fn NOW() }) AND (GroupNbr <> '') AND (Payee_San = @PayeeSanParameter)

  • you could change the way you present the parameters in the report instead of having 3 parameters.

    Parameter 1 | Parameter 2 | Parameter 3

    Some value | some values | some value

    Have 2 with one of them being the parameter type .eg.

    Parameter 1 | Parameter2

    Type1 | Value entered

    Type2 | Value entered

    Type3 | Value entered

    and then change your qery to do something along the lines of ...


    (@Parameter1 = 1 AND WaSysAssgnNbr = @Parameter2)


    (@Parameter1 = 2 AND WA_TaxId = @Parameter2)


    (@Parameter3 = 2 AND Payee_San = @Parameter2)


  • If the user only enters one parameter why are there 3 on the report?

    If the user doesn't need to enter data for the last 2 parameters you can make them hidden parameters and set them to NULL or provide a default.

  • @nick-2, Thanks for the suggestion, I will have to take a look at that, never thought about it approaching that way.

    @jack-2, The user has the capability to choose what they are searching on. However, the user can only search on 1 of the choices at a given time.

  • Okay, then I'd go with something like what Nick has suggested.

    If the report is calling a stored procedure I'd handle the logic for which query parameter is set in the query using expressions. Something like:

    QueryParam1 expression: =IIF(paremeter1.value = 1, paramter2.value, System.DBNull.Value)

    QueryParam2 expression: =IIF(paremeter1.value = 2, paramter2.value, System.DBNull.Value)

    The System.DBNull.Value could be another default that you want to provide instead of NULL.

    If I was using a direct query I'd build that in the report using an expression as well.

    So your query would be something like this:

    ="select columns from table where " + IIF(parameter1.Value = 1, "col1 = ", "col2 = ") + parameter2.value

  • @jack-2 & Nick, Thanks guys for the suggestion.

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