3 months rows

  • can you tell me t-sql for selecting last 3 months rows from table having datefield -ArriveDate in comaprison with today's date getdate()?

  • Use Google or Books Online (BOL) to search for the DateADD function.

  • ...This is what you are looking for


    @sdtLastDate SMALLDATETIME,

    @tiMonthsToAdd TINYINT

    SELECT@sdtCurrentDate = DATEADD( DAY, 1, DATEDIFF( DAY, 0, GETDATE() ) ),

    @tiMonthsToAdd = 3,

    @sdtLastDate = DATEADD( MONTH, @tiMonthsToAdd, @sdtCurrentDate )



    WHEREArriveDate >= @sdtLastDate

    AND ArriveDate < @sdtCurrentDate


  • I believe you would want to use -3 to get the prior 3 months boundary.

  • I'd need a little more information regarding what you are looking for regarding the past 3 months. There are several ways to "read" that requirement. The last three months from todays date (Today is February 3, 2009, so go back to November 2, 2008), or current month plus the previous 2 months (or maybe 3 months).

  • That is an excellent point Lynn. I have battled with that such difference several times myself in the past.

  • So, rpatil22, answer the question are you? Help you I would like.

  • Table will contain data for a year (2008 and 2009) (400K+ rows)

    Consider Today's date - 02/04/2009

    So 3 months back date is - 10/04/2008.

    so i want to delete rows from 10/04/2008 and previous....

    also tell fastest t-sql?

  • rpatil22 (2/4/2009)

    Table will contain data for a year (2008 and 2009) (400K+ rows)

    Consider Today's date - 02/04/2009

    So 3 months back date is - 10/04/2008.

    so i want to delete rows from 10/04/2008 and previous....

    also tell fastest t-sql?

    at its simplest, the following is what you need. If you want more detail, please read the first article linked below in my signature block regarding asking for assistance. the more information you provide, the better answers you will receive in return.


    Table will contain data for a year (2008 and 2009) (400K+ rows)

    Consider Today's date - 02/04/2009

    So 3 months back date is - 10/04/2008. -- Actually, this is 4 months

    so i want to delete rows from 10/04/2008 and previous....

    also tell fastest t-sql?


    delete from dbo.table


    SomeDateColumn <= (select dateadd(mm,-4,dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,getdate()),0)));

  • and which is fastest method for transfering same data to other table instead of deleting it?

    inserting is taking lot of time.

  • There is no transfer command. If you are archiving the data in other table, you have to insert it there, then delete it from the source table.

  • John Dempsey (2/3/2009)

    I believe you would want to use -3 to get the prior 3 months boundary.

    Just an oversight from myside, thanks john for correcting it.


  • hi

    select *

    from TableName

    where DateField Between DATEDIFF(day, GetDate(), 90) and getdate()

    [font="Courier New"]Aram Koukia: http://www.koukia.ca[/font]
  • rpatil22 (2/4/2009)

    and which is fastest method for transfering same data to other table instead of deleting it?

    inserting is taking lot of time.

    1. Create FOR DELETE trigger on your table to insert deleted rows into other table:

    INSERT INTO dbo.OtherTable

    (Columns list)

    SELECT Columns list

    FROM dbo.YourTable

    2. Delete rows by small portions.

    Use Lynn's script but add TOP 100 after DELETE.

    Run that query every time you insert something into YourTable.

    If there are more than 100 rows to delete only 100 if them will be deleted.

    If it still takes too long reduce the number to 50, 20, until you've reached acceptable performance.

    Eventually you'll get to the point when there are less rows to delete than you specified in TOP, so it would not affect anything any more.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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