2 instances of SQL on same server

  • I have been given someone else's "creation" and I believe they unknowingly installed 2 instances of SQL Server Enterprise Edition onto a Windows 2000 Server. This server only runs optical software for scanning documents, but I wonder as a DBA if this is the best solution. I am a new SQL Server DBA, originally an Oracle DBA, so I am still learning all the nuances of SQL Server. So please excuse my questions if they seem ignorant.

    Does anyone have any experience with cleaning up someone else's work?

    Does anyone have any recommendations for me that will help me verify that my suspicions are actually true?

    Thanks for any help.

  • Right Click on task manager see how many sqlservr.exe (image name) process you see?


    * Noel

  • That was my first instinct and what gave me the inclination of the 2 instances. Thanks for confirming that for me.

    Any other advice as to the best way to combine both into one instance?

  • Well, first off, are you sure there aren't valid business requirements to run 2 instances ?

    Maybe there are 2 versions of the client side software installed, and they need to be on physically separate instances to avoid database & object name collisions ?

    Maybe 1 of the instances is used for Dev/Testing ?



  • There is nothing inherantly wrong with running 2 instances of SQL Server on physical Server as long as you understand that they will be sharing server resources, and you divide these resources equitably as each has need.  That said, if you still want to combine servers, there should be one "default" instance and one "named" instance of SQL Server.  My suggestion would be to copy the databases, logins, operators, DTS packages, Jobs, ... from the named instance to the default instance. All connect strings to the named instance will have to change as well. Then consult MS knowledge base on removing an instance of SQL Server as a simple uninstall will only cause you grief.  There are directories and registry entries which must be removed manually. 

    Before you start, you may want to verify that the systems usings these SQL Servers can be combined.  Some 3rd party software requires a named instance of SQL Server and others stipulate they must run on a server by themselves...

    Take care,


    "Speculations? I know nothing about speculations. I'm resting on certainties. I know that my Redeemer lives, and because He lives, I shall live also." - Michael Faraday

  • We have a scanning system that runs a named instance of SQL (that is what your second instance is) that is locked down to enforce their licensing scheme. 


    So long, and thanks for all the fish,

    Russell Shilling, MCDBA, MCSA 2K3, MCSE 2K3

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