100 Years Ago, What Would You Be?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item 100 Years Ago, What Would You Be?

  • Pity this isn't taking us back 110 years--I could make a fortune by beating Marconi to the punch in creating the first commercial radio systems. 😀

  • We probably wouldn't have had the same opppertunities for education, so unless you came from a well to do background, we would all be working down the pit.....

  • Creativity and evolution would have been the prime aspect then too

  • I would never have had the opportunities that I have today. I guess based on my own family history I would have been a seamstress, but I like to think that I would have been an active member of the suffragette movement 🙂

  • If i had the education i have today, I would probably be a teacher. I would love to teach Mathematics or English or Hindi( Its the official language in India, but people in my home town are not too comfortable in it )

    In fact if i get a jackpot today which would be enough for my whole life, i would drop my present job and take up a job as a teacher in my home town. Teaching is also a good post retirement option.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • help in making new inventions

  • I could be a telegraph operator considering the fact I do know the code. 😀

  • i would be SQL DBA 😀

  • Probably the equivilant of a DBA 100 years ago was a millwright. That was someone that built and maintained machinary for a factory or assembly line.

  • "... no computers ..."

    Charles might disagree with that statement! 😛

  • The thought of being tossed back a hundred years into the past kinda freaks me out. If I were fortunate, I'd be a musician -- wouldn't need to be famous, just good enough to be in the band. Yeah, a polka band!

  • Assuming my family history, location, and birth would be roughly equivalent, unfortunately, farmer. I'm actually part of the first generation in my family going back 200 years on my fathers side & 300 on my mother's side that is not farming. And I'm extremely happy about that. Farming is really hard work. I've done it some with the parts of the family that were still doing it. Blech!

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • The question is a bit ambiguous. It could mean that you grew up in a similar situation and you're asking what you'd have ended up doing 100 years ago, or it could mean that you're projected into the past with all your modern knowledge intact. The situation would obviously be considerably different depending which of those we're talking about!

  • Farmer's wife/teacher - yes it's hard work but there is a lot of creative problem resolution skills necessary on a farm. I really like the self sufficiency my farming ancestors had. I'm that way in my job today. I try to figure new things out myself first before asking for help. 🙂

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