1 account to acces 2 db's (on different servers and different -not trusted-domains)

  • Is it possible to have 1 login to access 2 different db's (db's on 2 different servers and different -not trusted-domains)?

    Is there a possibility to 'map' 2 logins in SQL server 2008 R2?

    Or how can I solve this problem.

    If possible with a SQL login, Windows login is also possible but more difficult for me as DBA'er to create (and admin).

    Many thanks.

    Regards, Sven

  • Assuming you able to ping both server from each other. Then

    1) yes with sql login. To connect sql box with sql authentication, mention the full instance name. If you get the error by mentioning the instance name then mention ip with port number and it will work.

    2) yes with windows login as well if the domain of both these server are member of subdomain of one domain.


  • Hello crazy4sql,

    Yes both servers can ping each other and both can be ping'd by the application server.

    For the SQL login:

    I need to create 1 login on both servers (same name and password) and map it to the correct db (on each server)?

    The application (=account) will connect the databases by using an alias (so full path will normaly no problem)

  • yes, create same login and pwd in both server and give required permission.

    You will be able to connect the database.

    Its like you can have same name and password for your different mail provider but can not have same name and password for same mail provider.


  • crazy4sql (6/9/2011)

    yes, create same login and pwd in both server and give required permission.

    You will be able to connect the database.

    Its like you can have same name and password for your different mail provider but can not have same name and password for same mail provider.

    And doesn't generate the different SID's a problem?

  • And doesn't generate the different SID's a problem?

    as long both id have their dedicated server defined, they will not contractdict with each ohter on their unique sid.


  • Ok, we will test it with the application..

    Many thanks for your knowledge 🙂

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