SQLServerCentral Editorial



I was listening the other day to the steroids and doping controversies taking place in the world of sports. It's a crazy world in which we live and I'm not sure what is cheating anymore and what the fans and owners even want done.

However it reminded me of some testing that I've taken to get jobs and this being a Friday, I wanted to put this out there as a poll.

What tests should an employer be allowed to run before you are hired?

You could add what can they run later. I'd think the allowed tests should be the same, but you might disagree.

For my part, I've been drug tested, background checked, and had a lie detector before being hired (separate jobs). I didn't think anything of the drug test and I think they make some sense. An employer should be able to assume you come to work without being under the influence of any illegal drugs. They might like you under the influence of legal ones, such as caffeine, but I think they have the right to test you for illegal ones.

And you have the right not to get the job if you refuse. Or get terminated.

The lie detector, however, wasn't one I liked. At the time I was looking to get hired as a bartender/cashier for a beachfront restaurant. Apparently the owner had issues with theft and embezzlement before, so he wanted everyone responsible for money to take a lie detector. I was nervous, and even though I passed, I wasn't thrilled with the test.

They asked lots of questions, drug use, legal issues, etc., some of which I think skirted the line of proper. However being 21 and wanting the job, I answered them all.

These days most of us aren't handling money, but we're handling the digital equivalent for many corporations: their data. Shouldn't companies want to be sure they're hiring people that are worthy of trust?

I've heard about background checks, financial checks, etc., being done on potential hires. It's expensive and time consuming to do, so it's often only done when you have someone that you'd make an offer to. That's what happened when I applied at a nuclear power plant. They called everyone I'd kwown in the last 5 or so years.

For the most part, I'm not sure I'd submit to anything other than a drug test these days. My life is out there, I have lots of references, and my past is well documented in many places, especially here.

I do think that corporations have the right to ask these things when you're hired. I'm not sure they can make you do it later, though I'd be curious to hear what you think.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

Everyday Jones

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