SQLServerCentral Editorial

Geeky Books


I love to read. It's one of my hobbies, and I usually go through 50-100 books a year, depending on the subject and the rest of my life. Usually I'm also keeping an eye on Paul Randal, who probably reads more pages than I do in a year, just less books. So far this year, I read 47 books through June 30, though 5 or 6 of those were re-reads from previous years. I have a page on GoodReads that notes a lot of what I read, but it's not always completely up to date. I'm trying, but I read a lot.

I recently saw a list of geeky books for the summer. It's a mix of fiction and nonfiction, science and technology, but all geeky type stuff. As I look through the list of 23 books, I found:

  • Two I've read
  • Two on my list to read
  • Two I don't want to read
  • Nine that I added to my ever growing list of books

This year I'll probably get to 100 books. With lots of travel planned, and lots of reading while I'm in the air, it shouldn't be a problem. I highly encourage people to read, and constantly bug my kids to read more. It's a good habit to get into, I think it improves your thinking and engagement with the world, it's fun, and it's a great habit to build. Both for your career and your life.

If you've got your own geeky recommendations, let us know.

Steve Jones

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