Blog Post

"Troubleshooting Transaction Replication" Published In SQL Server Magazine


I've been published! My article Troubleshooting Transactional Replication is featured in the June 2010 issue of SQL Server Magazine (subscription required to read the article online). In it I talk about how to use Replication Monitor, tracer tokens, and replication alerts to discover and diagnose problems. I also present three common problems and describe how to correct them if\when they occur.

This is my first venture into print media and I'm pleased with how it turned out. Granted, it's not a book, but writing a 3,000 word article that gets both tech and copy edited isn't a walk in the park!

If you read the article and feel compelled please let me know what you thought. If you're not a subscriber, how about picking up a copy and checking it out? Not only will you get to read my article but there's tons of great stuff in the issue from other top SQL pros and a write-up on new features included in SQL 2008 R2.


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