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This Week In Data – Episode 6 (Why Companies are Choosing Power BI)



Welcome back to another episode of This Week In Data! If you missed our previous episodes, you can watch them here. In this week’s episode, we’re going to discuss the top reasons why companies are adopting Power BI.

Power BI is a cool tool that allows users to pull data from a variety of sources and visualize the data in many different ways.  Based in the cloud, Power BI allows you to easily share data with others. It is different from other BI tools because of its ease-of-use, as well as how you can quickly design and build reports.  In this episode, Adam and Devin will give you their top reasons why your company should consider using Power BI.

Adam and Devin also discuss Uber’s self-driving cars, Microsoft’s release of Minecraft in Oculus Rift and how Super Mario Brothers got into Excel. Learn more about these topics in our latest episode:

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