Blog Post

This Week In Data – Episode 4 (What is Slack?)



Welcome back to another episode of This Week In Data! If you missed our previous episodes, you can watch them here. In this week’s episode, we’re discussing how Slack can improve your company’s internal communication.

Over the past year, the Pragmatic Works team has been successfully using Slack for internal communications. As we all know, our email inboxes have become increasing cluttered and it can be difficult to take notice of important news and updates from your company. Slack’s goal is to end email and allow you to easily communicate with your coworkers. Adam and Devin talk about Slack’s enhanced capabilities, how Pragmatic Works uses it to gain feedback and much more!

Adam and Devin also discuss increased confidence in the cloud, how analytics are being used in politics and the dreaded removal of the headphone jack from the new iPhone. Learn more about these topics in our latest episode:

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