Blog Post

The Summit is Back in Person


Registration for the Data Community Summit opens today! You can sign up and come to Seattle in November with all the other data platform pros that you’ve missed seeing the last two years.

The event will be hybrid, but I’m going in person. I’ve missed seeing many of you, and I am looking forward to the chance to wave, shake hands, hug, and interact over coffee and cocktails in person. I’ve gone to a few conferences this year and have a few more scheduled. Each one of them is a little more normal, which I hope is a trend that continues.

If you aren’t comfortable coming in person, there is a still a hybrid option, with recordings of sessions for no-demand sessions available early. This will help with speaker Q&As, but there will also be a lot of sessions taking place live, with the ability to watch and ask questions, almost as if you were there. SQL Bits did a great job with hybrid, and I expect the Summit to be even better.

Breakfast is Back

Breakfast is back this year, which means you can wander into the convention center early, meet with friends, and make new contacts.

One of the things I’ve enjoyed is wandering around the hall and looking for friends to chat with. Or stopping at a table and introducing myself. Or just picking a spot and seeing who might come up. With a few meals a day, this is a great chance to expand your network and learn just how diverse our community can be.

Register Early

As with many events, prices rise over time. Now is the time when you can convince the boss to pay the least by registering now. The discount today is enough to cover quite a bit of the travel expenses, and every bit can help. You have until May 25 to get this opening pricing.

This is THE event for data professionals, especially those working with SQL Server, the Microsoft Data Platform, or using AWS. There are many blogs and posts across the years about the value, excitement, and knowledge gained at the event. Show a few to your boss and get registered today.

Seattle is a wonderful city, and there is a lot to do. If you want to combine a fun vacation with the trip, I’ve had some good times there with my kids before and after the event. If you’ve never spent a couple days there, this might be the time to think about it.

This is the homecoming for the data platform community and I hope that I see some of you there. If you see me, please stop my and say hi.

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