Blog Post

The #Meme15 Round-Up


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The first round of #meme15 has finished.  In total, there were eighteen people that participated.  If there were more, I missed them, just leave a comment here and I’ll update this post.  We even managed to nab a couple non-SQL people in the first go round.  Maybe next time we’ll see even more non-SQL folk.

As a refresher, #meme15 is dedicated to discussing and sharing tips and tricks for blogging and using social media.  This can be from a personal or professional standpoint.  The intent is that through these posts by myself and others will provide some insight into how to succeed in these areas.

This month’s writing assignment was:

  • Why did I start blogging?
  • Why do I currently blog?

Here we go with all of the posts, in pretty much the order I read them:

  • Thomas LaRock (Blog | @SQLRockstar) – #Meme15 – What Am I Doing Here? – Tom started for personal reasons and keeps going as a way to help him teach others by explaining the topics he blogs about.
  • Jen Stirrup (Blog | @jenstirrup) – Blogging is a two-way conversation! – Jen sees blogging as a platform for communicating with everyone in the community.  She also, uses blogging to help her learn how to explain things.
  • Colleen M. Morrow (Blog | @ClevelandDBA) – #meme15 – Why Do You Blog? – Colleen is a teacher at heart and is looking for a way to driver her career through blogging.
  • Richard Douglas (Blog | @SQLRich) – Why I blog #Meme15 – Rich is out there blogging to help others learn what he has already learned.
  • John Samson (Blog | @JohnSansom) – Why Did You Start Blogging? – John blogs to share what he knows and to share what he’s read from others in his weekly blog digest.
  • Tracy McKibben (Blog | @RealSQLGuy) – #Meme15 – Why? – Tracy blogs about his hobby and SQL Server.  He does it as a form of expression and to help connect and help others.  Check out his other blog – there is some cool stuff there.
  • Audrey Hammonds (Blog | @DataAudrey) #Meme15 – Why do you blog? – Audrey started blogging to have fun and write funny data stories and now she’s there blogging for more than just humor – she’s around for herself, you, and all of us… read on for the details.
  • Sam Vanga (Blog | @SamuelVanga) – Why did I start blogging? – Sam is new to blogging.  He recently started to be a larger part of the community and to help himself learn more about SQL Server.
  • Ted Krueger (Blog | @Onpnt) – Why I started and continue to blog – #Meme15 on Blogging
  • Jes Schultz Borland (Blog | @grrl_geek) – #meme15: I’m A Blogger. Why? – Jes was originally a reluctant blogger, but has found that it brings together a lot of her loves… squeeee!
  • Richard Lewis (Blog | @gogorichie) – #Meme15 Why Did I Start Blogging – Rich has been blogging for quite a while and he uses it for a lot or reasons – some key areas are chroncling his life, discussing his opinions and thoughts, and using it share solutions he has uncovered.
  • Matt VelicBlog Cause I Wanna – Matt loves to write and has been blogging for quite some time as well.  He continues to blog and is encouraged with the opportunities it has presented and the people he has been able to help.
  • Steve Hughes (Blog | @dataonwheels) – Why I Blog – #Meme15 – Steve has made a few failed attempts at blogging.  When he started this last time he went to his passions around business intelligence and has found his audience.
  • Chris Shaw (Blog | @sqlshaw) – #meme15 Why the Heck Do I Blog – Chris started blogging to help improve himself and over time it’s turned into one of platforms that he uses to help others, even if its to answer what might seem to be basic questions.
  • Karen Lopez (Blog | @datachick) – Why? #meme15 – Karen started blogging as a way to further help the users of the Infoadvisors forums.  Along the way, it has changed to where to day she’s not just trying to help but also to influence people to do things the right way.
  • Jason Brimhall (Blog | @sqlrnnr) – Why do I Blog? – Jason isn’t interested in fame, glory, or fortune – at least while blogging – he’s into to improve his skills, mainly writing. He’s also seen an improvement in his SQL skills through blogging.
  • Sarah Strate (Blog | @DanceM0m) – Why I Blog – #Meme15 – Our first non-SQL person.  Sarah blogs to share ideas about about parenting and teaching to parents and teachers – yeah, say that last bit coming.  She also sees it as a way to help improve on how she handles those situations when they come up again.
  • Lauren Elizabeth (Blog | @LSquared83) – Why I Started Blogging – Lauren is our second non-SQL person this month.  She started blogging out of boredom but has found that it is a place for her to share her hobbies and keeps it as a place to stay positive.
  • Jason Strate (Blog | @StrateSQL) – Why Do I Blog? #meme15 – I pretty much started to help myself remember things and it grew into blogging to helping others and as a platform for learning.

Hopefully, you’ll take some time to read through the posts that these bloggers put together.  The overall jive through them all is that they are here for the community and to help us all learn more about SQL Server.  Last thing, thanks to Matt Velic for the great logo.  I’m planning to use this for all future #meme15 posts.

Related posts:

  1. Why Do I Blog? #meme15
  2. The #Meme15 On Social Networking
  3. Blog Round-up – What Are You Thankful For?


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