Blog Post

Thank You SQL Saturday 99 Sponsors!


Last Friday, Minnesota had it’s second SQL Saturday event, on a Friday.  Hopefully, those that were able to attend had a good time.  In total, we gave out 320 attendee bags.  Between speakers and sponsors, there were probably a few more that didn’t pick up bags… so in total we likely had 350 attendees for the event.  Quite a showing, in my opinion.

As might be expected, an event of this size, that is free, doesn’t just happen.  There are a few things that cost money – the venue, lunch, breakfast, attendee shirts, and the after party.  There is only one thing that makes any of this possible, that is the sponsors.

If you haven’t already, take a couple minutes to thanks the many sponsors that are listed below.  These are all of the people and organizations that made the Minnesota event possible. 

You Rock Sponsor

Breakfast Sponsor


Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor 

Bronze Sponsor

Blog Sponsor


50-Lunch Sponsor


Related posts:

  1. SQL Saturday on a Friday?!?
  2. Announcing SQL Saturday #99
  3. SQL Saturday 58 This Week #sqlsat58


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