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T-SQL Tuesday Participation Over the Years


Loads of TSQL Tuesdays


Years ago the TSQL Tuesday party was started by Adam Machanic (b|t). The premise of the monthly event is to get people a topic each month to try and ease some of the difficulty with writing (figuring out what to write) and to get more involved in the community. The party started in December 2009 and is now embarking on the 10th year. The party is running strong and will likely continue for many years to come.

I have personally participated in quite a large number of these events. I am far from a perfect participation record like Rob Farley (b | t) but I do participate when I can. Every now and again I think about what I might have participated in or what I have written in the past for a TSQL Tuesday. This post will serve as a table of contents for all of those articles. This is to help make it easier to find for me (as well as give me a chance to review and fix problems from really old posts). This post will provide a quick synopsis of my article (if one exists) along with topic and links to original invite and roundups for the monthly party.

T-SQL Tuesday #001: Date/Time Tricks (Dec. 2009)

Invite and roundup

My Article: N/A

T-SQL Tuesday #002: A Puzzling Situation (January 2010)

Invite and roundup

My Article: TSQL Tuesday – But I was late

This was the first time I participated in TSQL Tuesday. I was very new to the blogging concept – and it shows. The puzzling problem I encountered in the article was a fun little job that kept giving different results than running the same code from SSMS. Check it out!

T-SQL Tuesday #003: RELATIONSHIPS (February 2010)

Invitation and summary

My Article: Relationships

I covered all sorts of different relationships that affect SQL Server from work, to marital, to table relationships in a database. It all ties together in requiring an individual to constantly tune the different types of relationships.

T-SQL Tuesday #004: IO (March 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

My Article: IO IO IO

What if we could create a numbers table without IO?  What if we could perform several different kinds of queries without IO?  Itzik Ben Gan proposed a cascading CTE solution that does this sort of thing. This article shows that method in use to help improve certain IO conditions.

T-SQL Tuesday #005: Reporting (April 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleIP and Default Trace…T-SQL Tuesday #005

Having been introduced to a requirement to report on IP addresses of connections, I dive into a solution that will help show hostname, ip address and a few more tidbits.

When it is necessary to provide reports on activity occurring on the server, it pays to do a little prep work.  Be Prepared.  It is not an easy task to be able to go back in time and report on data that isn’t captured.  The little prep work that one may need to do is well worth the effort in the end.

My 2nd ArticleBLOB Report T-SQL Tuesday #005- Reporting

Learning how to decrypt the individual object sizes broken down into type and filegroup. Then report on the data that was retrieved from the DMOs.

T-SQL Tuesday #006: “What About BLOB?” (May 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #006: A Blobbing We Will Go

In the DMVs for SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 there is more than one place you can find the information about the size of your LOB data?  And it goes without saying that there is more than one way to find information about LOBs in your database.

T-SQL Tuesday #007 – Summertime in the SQL (June 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

My Article: Data Compression

I see database compression, as offered with SQL 2008, to be more like these file compression utilities than DriveSpace.  Data compression in SQL 2008 is not an all or none implementation.  You get to pick and choose what gets compressed.  That is a big time bonus for me.

T-SQL Tuesday #008: Gettin’ Schooled

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleGettin’ Skewled

I am learning that learning is not just formalized education in a classroom or in specific settings.  There are things to be learned from all aspects of life.  This can be learned if only a little observation is used.

T-SQL Tuesday #009: Beach Time (August 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

I hosted this particular event.

My ArticleR & R

I find it completely useless to go on vacation if I am going to be checking email or project statuses every 10 minutes.  There is no rest or relaxation in doing those things while I am supposed to be doing something else.  Vacation should be fun and enjoyable.  Thus, if I am to enjoy vacation, I need to do a few extra things in the office prior to leaving.

T-SQL Tuesday #010 – Indexes (September 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleTSQL Tuesday Indexes and Blobs

How does one find what columns were LOB columns in the database.  I knew I had some past blog posts about various aspects of LOBs, but I had never broken it down to find the columns in the LOB.  Even better was that I wanted to know what columns were in what index that were also a BLOB.

T-SQL Tuesday #011 – Misconceptions in SQL Server (October 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleA Haunting TSQL Tuesday Tale

I chose the myth that truncate is unrecoverable. Check it out and see how a truncate is most certainly capable of a rollback or being recoverable.

T-SQL Tuesday #012 – Why are DBA skills necessary? (November 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #012 – Skills

As a DBA, we occasionally have the opportunity of attracting a new client or a new job or a new database.  It seems that more often than not, some of the skills requisite (at least they should be) of owning a database are missing. (Nunchuku skills could come in handy from time to time too!)

T-SQL Tuesday #13 – What the Business Says Is Not What the Business Wants (December 2010)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #13 – Business Requirements

I think a common area that is easily overlooked when it comes to requirements and interpretation of requirements is report creation.  A common problem is that there are no defined or written requirements for the creation of a report.

T-SQL Tuesday #014 – RESOLUTIONS (January 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleTSQL Tuesday 14: Committed

This month was all about resolutions and goals. My list of goals were pretty good and entirely profession based.

T-SQL Tuesday #015 – Automation in SQL Server (February 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #15 DBA Automaton

I shared a script that will load a sample of data from every table in every database for every column and give you the length of the pertinent columns (I have excluded obvious columns such as numeric types and certain LOB types).

T-SQL Tuesday #016 – Aggregate Functions (March 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #016: Aggregates and Statistics

Super geeky article on stats, quartiles and the like. For my data analysis and trending, I wanted to find a simple distribution across quartiles.

T-SQL Tuesday #017 – APPLY Knowledge (April 2011)

Invitation and roundup – unavailable on origin site.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #17 – APPLY Knowledge

In this article I take an unexpected twist in my application of the APPLY operator. In that twist, I show a quick and simple script to grab role members.

T-SQL Tuesday #018 – CTEs (May 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #18 – CTEs

I shared a rather complex series of CTEs that are used in the same way a hierarchy and ancestry tree would be generated – except for Foreign Key relationships. That script was a load of fun.

T-SQL Tuesday #019 – Disasters and Recovery (June 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #19 – Disasters & Recovery

Who needs a single disaster when you can enjoy multiple disasters in a single sitting? I share three different types of disasters. I am sure many have had experiences with all three and probably many more types of disasters.

T-SQL Tuesday #020 – T-SQL Best Practices (July 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My Article: N/A

I missed the announcement or something like that.

T-SQL Tuesday #021 – A Day Late and Totally Full Of It. (Aug. 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleTSQL Tuesday 21 – FAIL FAIL FAIL

I don’t hide much as I share my feelings about crap code and then show my own crap code followed by a little bit of explanation on an improved version of the same code.

T-SQL Tuesday #022 – Data Presentation (September 2011)

Invitation and roundup

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #22 – Data Presentation

I chose to touch on several aspects of data presentation – Performance, Accuracy, Display, and Business Requirements.

T-SQL Tuesday #023 – Joins (October 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My Article: N/A

D’oh – missed another one in 2011.

T-SQL Tuesday #024 – Prox ‘n’ Funx (November 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #024: Prox ‘n’ Funx

Big takeaway from this month was the value of a very good string splitter.

T-SQL Tuesday #025 – Invitation to Share Your Tricks (Dec. 2011)

Invitation and roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #025 – Holiday Gifts

In the spirit of the Holidays, I wanted to share some tricks and tips.  They can be my gifts to you during the holidays.  And maybe they can help you give to somebody else.

T-SQL Tuesday #026 – Second Chances (January 2012)

Invitation and roundup. (Original site toasted).

My ArticleTSQL Tuesday #26 or #23 – Identity Crisis

Having missing TSQLTuesday 23 and the topic being about Second Chances, I chose to write about JOINs and sort of fulfilling the requirements for both TSQL Tuesdays in one shot.

T-SQL Tuesday #027 – Invitation to The Big Data Valentine’s Edition (February 2012)

Invitation and roundup.

My Article: N/A

After that second chance I blew it the very next month. Luckily I have a good reason – Valentines Day!

T-SQL Tuesday #028 – Jack of All Trades or Master of None (March 2012)

Invitation and no roundup.

My ArticleT-SQL Tuesday #028 – Jack of All Trades, Master of None?

This one brings up bad memories of when as the DBA it was also required to be the janitor.


More updates coming soon!

What is T-SQL Tuesday?

T-SQL Tuesday is a monthly blog party hosted by a different blogger each month. This blog party was started by Adam Machanic (blog|twitter). You can take part by posting your own participating post that fits the topic of the month and follows the requirements below. Additionally, if you are interested in hosting a future T-SQL Tuesday, contact Steve Jones via the tsqltuesday website – here.

How to Participate

  • Your post must be published between 00:00 GMT Tuesday and 00:00 GMT Wednesday.
  • Your post must contain the T-SQL Tuesday logo from above and the image should link back to this blog post.
  • Trackbacks should work. But, please do add a link to your post in the comments section below so everyone can see your work.
  • Tweet about your post using the hash tag #TSQL2sDay.

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