Blog Post

SSWUG DBTechCon Coming Up


Over the last few years, I’ve blogged about and spoke at the SSWUG Virtual Conferences.  It’s that time of the year again, and the next virtual conference is coming up in a few short weeks.  The event will be on April 20-22 and you can attend from the comforts of your home or office.  If you register with the code SP11DBTechJS you can get a $30 discount on registration.

Virtual Conference

But why would you want to attend a virtual conference.  There are a number of really good reasons for this:

  • No travel costs – since you can attend the conference from your home or office there isn’t a need for hotel or flight costs.
  • Full access to content – miss a few minutes of the presentation with that conference call or unexpected walk-up?  Not a problem.  Come back later and re-watch the sessions at your leisure.
  • Sessions, sessions, and sessions – there are more than 70 sessions from industry leading presenters.  To name a few, you’ll be able to see Denny Cherry, Buck Woody, Kathi Kellenberger, Chris Shaw, and Thomas LaRock

My Sessions

As I mention, this a conference that I speak at.  This time I have the following four sessions:

Performance Tuning With Extended Events

SQL Server 2008 saw the launch of a new performance tuning tool was made available.  That tool was Extended Events.  Where some previous tools were clumsy and intrusive, Extended Events is flexible and light.  It’s able to extract exactly the information that you need when you need it.  In this session, we’ll explore some common performance issues related to SQL Server and demonstrate method to resolve those issues.

SQL Profiler and Extended Events Cage Match

Rival technologies often need to be thrown into a cage match to determine which is the victor.  This time the rival technologies are SQL Profiler and Extended Events.  SQL Profiler is the tried and true champion when it comes to performance monitoring and troubleshooting.  But Extended Events is the newcomer that promises to “”float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”"  In this session, we’ll briefly review the core architecture of extended events.  We’ll also take a look at a number of performance monitoring scenarios and compare the application of SQL Profiler and Extended Events to the issue.

Taking a Crack at CLR

A few years back the talk of CLR was all the rage.  As time has gone on, the roars of the marketing crows have waned and DBAs fearful of the CLR apocalypse have had to put away theirs signs.  With those days behind us, it’s time to make sure that you’ve take a look at CLR and what it can do for your database and your environment.  In this session, we’ll look at how to build and implement CLR objects.  We’ll also look at some specific use cases that can help improve the performance of your SQL Server environment and leave that environment more secure.

What Are You Waiting For?

You’ve spent the afternoon sweating over your T-SQL query.  You’ve wrung out all of the wrinkles.  It’s deployed, it’s running… now its waiting.  In SQL Server the most performant query can become a problem query if there aren’t any resources in the SQL Server for it to use.  In this session, we’ll look at wait statistics and what they are.  We’ll look into how they are accumulated and how they can be monitored.  By the end of the session, you’ll be equipped with the tools needed to determine if there are resource issues in your environment and methods to start mitigating them.

Think you might attend DBTechCon?  If so, maybe my sessions sound pretty good – then send me an e-mail if you have a question you’d like me to make certain I cover in the recording.  My studio dates aren’t for another couple weeks and I’m open to making sure I cover what people want to hear.


Related posts:

  1. SSWUG Fall 2010 Virtual Conference This Month
  2. SSWUG Fall 2010 Virtual Conference This Week
  3. SSWUG Virtual Conference


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