Blog Post

SQLibrium SQL Server on VMware training now free


I’m proud to be a part of the SQL Server communities globally. I do everything I can do to give back when I can. Too many times, I feel that DBAs think that infrastructure is not their problem, and the challenges I face in day-to-day consulting demonstrate this. I built my SQLibrium SQL Server on VMware boot camp to demonstrate to DBAs just how much infrastructure knowledge they need to be most effective as a DBA.

We released this boot camp a little under a year ago, and people have been quite happy with the training. But, I want to see a larger reach. So, in honor of my SQL Server VM performance tuning session at the Red-Gate PASS Data Community Summit conference tomorrow (and you should really attend!), I’m now opening these training sessions to the world.

Head over to or our Youtube channel, and all fifteen modules are now FREE. That’s right. FREE. No Black Friday sale, no sporadic discount codes. Free. There’s no contact info required. I want to share this info with the world with no strings attached.

If you find that content valueable to you and your organization, feel free to subscribe and like the videos. If you find that you want to learn more, contact me to sync up and see how my company, Heraflux Technologies, can help you maximize your on-prem or cloud data platform!

The post SQLibrium SQL Server on VMware training now free first appeared on Convergence of Data, Cloud, and Infrastructure.

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