Blog Post

SQL Saturday 99 – SSWUG Interview


Welcome to the fifth of a few sponsor interview posts from SQL Saturday 99.  After reading Arnie Rowland’s (Blog | @ArnieRowland) Paying For Free post, I thought it might be worthwhile to do a little bit more to interview our attendees and others to the sponsors that enabled us to have our Minnesota event.

In today’s post, I have an interview with SSWUG.  SSWUG was one of the Bronze sponsors for the SQL Saturday event.  They are a new sponsor this year.  The provided a number of DVD training sessions that went over very well.

1. Thank you for sponsoring our SQL Saturday.  For the attendees that weren’t able to visit with you at the event, is there anything you’d like to share with them? We love helping out SQL Server professionals!

2. Why did you sponsor the Minnesota SQL Saturday? To help reach SQL Server professionals in Minnesota and outlying states about SSWUG.ORG’s content.

3. What services/products does your company offer? Written and video-based content on data management, collaboration software, development tools and cloud computing.

4. Have you sponsored other SQL Saturday events? Yes, we have.

5. What are your thoughts on SQL Saturdays? We have think they are a great resource for educating professionals who do not have the luxury of attending large, national conferences.

6. Anything else you’d like to share about the event? We’d love an Excel sheet of the leads next time. Manual data entry via raffle tickets isn’t fun.

Thank you again to SSWUG for sponsoring our event.  We’re hoping to make a few changes for next year, like an electronic copy of the registrations for lower level sponsorships.  If you receive an after event e-mail from them, please give them a couple minutes to see if they may be offering just the class you are looking for.

Related posts:

  1. SQL Saturday 99 – Emergent Networks Interview
  2. SQL Saturday 99 – Confio Interview
  3. SQL Saturday 99 – RBA Consulting Interview


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