Blog Post

SQL Saturday 99 – Quest Interview


quest_logoWelcome to the first of a few sponsor interview posts from SQL Saturday 99.  After reading Arnie Rowland’s (Blog | @ArnieRowland) Paying For Free post, I thought it might be worthwhile to do a little bit more to interview our attendees and others to the sponsors that enabled us to have our Minnesota event.

First up, Quest Software.  Quest was a You Rock! sponsor for the event.  They are a returning sponsor from last year and are a regular supporter of SQL Saturday events across the country.

1. Thank you for sponsoring our SQL Saturday.  For the attendees that weren’t able to visit with you at the event, is there anything you’d like to share with them? We are sending a promotional email to all the opt-in attendees.

2. Why did you sponsor the Minnesota SQL Saturday? We want to get Quest more recognition in the SQL space, specifically smaller organizations that we typically don’t market to, its mutually beneficial.

3. What services/products does your company offer? Quest offers consulting services, and products for Application, Database, Virtualization and Windows management.

4. Have you sponsored other SQL Saturday events? Yes, we sponsor about 6 of these events each quarter.

5. What are your thoughts on SQL Saturdays? They are a great way to get face time with customers and potential customers, and a great way to share info and meet other vendors.  It seems to be a great learning experience for attendees as well.

6. Anything else you’d like to share about the event? We think these events are great. The attendees that can make it are very excited about it and if anything it should be marketed more as I surprisingly still find a lot of our customers that are not aware of it, might be a good idea for future events to coordinate a dual marketing effort to maximize attendance

Once again, thank you Quest for sponsoring our event.  For those that receive a post event e-mail from Quest, please give them a couple minutes to check out what they have to say.

Related posts:

  1. Announcing SQL Saturday #99
  2. Thank You SQL Saturday 99 Sponsors!
  3. SQL Saturday on a Friday?!?


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