Blog Post

SQL Saturday 58 This Week #sqlsat58


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Don’t forget the Minnesota SQL Saturday is this Friday.  Remember, we’re DIFFERENT and out event is on a Friday instead of a Saturday.

The volunteers have been busting butts to get ready for the event and things all seem to be coming together.  There should be some great fun this week as we stuff the attendee bags.  Beyond that it seems we have everything coming together.

For Those Registered

If you are one of those that has registered — please make sure you are ready and still planning to attend next week.  We managed to reach our cap of 250 people and have an extremely healthy wait list.  Next year we will have to find a bigger venue.

If for some reason you are unable to attend and find out before next Friday, you can let someone else fill your spot from the wait list.  I don’t want this to encourage anyone to not show – but if you happen to know someone out there would greatly appreciate the opportunity to attend.

Related posts:

  1. SQL Saturday 58 Next Week
  2. Share Your Experiences at #SQLSAT58
  3. SQL Saturday 58 Schedule Released


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