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SQL Rally Cast Your Vote!


Pre Conference seminar voting is up now.  Go make it happen!  Here's the description of our session:



Business Intelligence Workshop

Speaker:Patrick LeBlanc, Devin Knight, Mike Davis, & Adam Jorgensen
Abstract:In this full-day workshop, you'll learn from the author

team of Mike Davis, Adam Jorgensen, Devin Knight, and Patrick LeBlanc

how to build a data warehouse for your company and support it with the

Microsoft business intelligence platform. We'll start with how to design

and data model a data warehouse including the system preparation. Then,

we'll jump into loading a data warehouse with SSIS. After SSIS, you're

ready to roll the data up and provide the slice and dice reporting with

SSAS. The team will walk through cube development and data enrichment

with things like key performance indicators, which are essential for

your future dashboards. Lastly, we will cover how to report against the

data warehouse with SSRS including a primer in how to write MDX queries

against the SSAS cube.

Take Home Skills:
  1. Practical knowledge of building a Dimensional Model
  2. Designing a simple ETL process using SSIS
  3. Designing a Cube
  4. Designing simple SSRS Reports
  5. Building an integrated process that fully leverages the entire MS BI stack to load a Data Warehouse
Speaker Bios:

Patrick LeBlanc

Patrick LeBlanc, SQL Server MVP and author, is currently a

Business Intelligence Architect for Pragmatic Works. He has worked as a

SQL Server DBA for the past 9 years. His experience includes working in

the Educational, Advertising, Mortgage, Medical, and Financial

Industries. He is also the founder of, and

is the President of the Baton Rouge Area SQL Server User Group. Patrick

is a regular speaker at various SQL Server community events, including

SQL Saturday, User Groups, and SQL Lunch. Patrick is also a regular

speaker at various Microsoft events in the US.

Devin Knight

Devin is a Senior BI Consultant at Pragmatic Works

Consulting. Previously, he has tech edited the book "Professional

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services" and was an author in the

books "Knight's 24-Hour Trainer: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration

Services," and "Knight's Microsoft Business Intelligence 24-Hour

Trainer." Devin has spoken at past conferences like PASS Summit and at

several SQL Saturday events. He is a contributing member to the Business

Intelligence Special Interest Group (SIG) for PASS as a leader in the

SSIS Focus Group. Making his home in Jacksonville, FL, Devin is the Vice

President of the local users' group (JSSUG).

Adam Jorgensen

Adam Jorgensen, MBA, MCITP: BI, MCDBA is the President of

Pragmatic Works Consulting, and has been delivering SQL Server and

Business Intelligence (BI) solutions for over a decade. His passion is

finding new and innovative avenues for clients and the community to

embrace BI and lower barriers to implementation. Adam is a PASS regional

mentor and member of the regional mentor committee, and a Virtual

Technology Specialist for Microsoft. He is also an active member of the

South Florida SQL Server User Group (SFSSUG) and is a co-founder of (Business Intelligence Developer Network). Adam co-hosts, is a co-chair of the PASS Virtual Chapter for Business

Intelligence, and serves on other groups and boards. He regularly speaks

in person and virtually at industry group events, major conferences,

Code Camps, and SQL Saturday. He has co-authored white papers and books

on business intelligence and business topics.

Mike Davis

Mike Davis is a Senior BI Consultant and Trainer at

Pragmatic Works. He was an author on the book "Knight's 24-Hour Trainer:

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Integration Services." Mike is an experienced

speaker and has presented at many events including several SQL Server

User Groups across the US, Code Camps, SQL Server launches, and SQL

Saturday events. Mike is an active member at his local user group

(JSSUG) in Jacksonville, FL.





Twitter:Patrick: @patrickdba

Devin: @knight_devin

Adam: @adam_jorgensen


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