Blog Post

SQL in the City – FREE Training


Is SQL in the City coming to a town near you?  The events are being held in New York, Austin, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston and Seattle.  If so you need to make sure to register ASAP as seats are filling up quick and seating is limited.  Come hear about many day to day problems that we encounter as DBA’s and how to solve them.  Red-Gate makes many tools to help us solve our problems much quicker.  One of my favorite tools is SQL Prompt.  I seldom do a presentation without showing off how simple and easy it is to use the tool.

I was lucky enough to be chosen to speak in New York City and Austin TX, two of my favorite cities.  I will be presenting on “Proactive Data Growth Management: Reducing Your Storage Footprint”.  I will be talking about and demonstrating how using compression that you can reduce your overall storage requirements.  Enterprise storage is not cheap, so reducing your storage needs, decreases your storage cost.  Plus there is a host of benefits of having your data compressed in most cases.

While I am doing a presentation on the benefits and ease of using Compression, Red-Gate will have a member of the SQL Storage Compress team to go over the nuts and bolts of how all this technology works.

Of course SQL in the City is just about my session.  Steve Jones, Grant Fritchey, Aaron Nelson and Mitchell Sellers will also be giving presentations as well as a host of Red Gaters.  This will be a series of awesome events across the US.  If you have the chance, don’t miss out.  If nothing else, come out to hear the cool accents.  🙂



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