Blog Post

Shutting Off PowerShell Warnings–#SQLNewBlogger


Another post for me that is simple and hopefully serves as an example for people trying to get blogging as #SQLNewBloggers.

Not really a SQL Server post, but I ran into this minor issue. While running a script, I saw this:

2019-09-19 16_47_13-? RestoreUnknownStripedBackup.ps1 - SitC 2018 - CreateProtectManageDB - Visual S

The warnings aren’t a big deal, and in fact, have no bearing on my script. At least, not on this script. Since I needed to give this to a customer as a PoC item, I didn’t want any weird warnings. As a result, I needed to suppress these. A little intellisense in VS Code gave me a hint, but what value to use for the parameter?

2019-09-19 16_47_46-? RestoreUnknownStripedBackup.ps1 - SitC 2018 - CreateProtectManageDB - Visual S

A quick search brought me to Server Fault, where I saw the value. I added the SilentlyContinue to my script and messages suppressed.

2019-09-19 16_48_11-? RestoreUnknownStripedBackup.ps1 - SitC 2018 - CreateProtectManageDB - Visual S


This is a helpful tip for me, and I think I showed you how I found an issue, researched, and solved it. It’s good to give a potential employer some confidence that you can work through issues and find answers.

This took me less than 10 minutes. I bet you could do the same thing in the same time. Write about how you solve a small issue and drop it on your blog.

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