Blog Post

Power BI Custom Visuals Class (Module 54 – Route Map)


In this module you will learn how to use the Route Map Power BI Custom Visual.  The Route Map uses latitude, longitude, and time to show the trajectory of an object on a map.

Module 54 – Route Map


Key Takeaways

  • You make your entire report animate across the Play Axis attribute.
  • Animation controls available to you: looping, auto play, and the control of the play speed.


This Route Map shows the Carnival Sunshine on its way to the Caribbean.

  • Under the Format paintbrush there are a several customization available for the Route Map.
  • Under the Legend section you can add a legend to the map that tells the users what the color, width and dashes mean on your map.


  • The Colors section allows adjust the color of the lines that are displayed. You can either adjust the color of all the lines or just parts of a line based on the field you place in the Color Legend.


  • The Widths section allows adjust the width of the lines that are displayed on the map. You can either adjust the width of all lines or just parts of a line based on the field you place in the Width Legend.


  • The Dashes section allows adjust the style of the lines that are displayed. You can either adjust the style of all the lines or just parts of a line based on the field you place in the Dashes Legend.


  • In the Arrows section you can adjust the indicators that are displayed on a line at each data point you have in your dataset.
    • Turning Start on places a dot on the first data point in the segment.
    • The Middle property is turned on by default but if you turn it off all of the arrow indicators at the data points will no longer be visible.
    • Turning End on places a larger arrow at the last data point in the segment.
    • Increasing the Interval property lowers the frequency of arrows visible. This would be helpful when you have hundreds of data points in one segment.
    • Next, the Scale property makes each arrow larger when you increase the value.
    • You can optionally turn off arrows on just specific segments by going under the Specify property.


  • The Advanced properties gives you the ability to turn off Zoom, Pan, and Auto fit abilities on the map. This would be useful if you want to lock the position of the map displayed and not give users the ability to move away from your data points.
  • There are also settings here to ignore geo-coordinates (Latitude/Longitude) when there is an error or a zero value is returned.


In addition to these properties you have a set of settings that appears on every visual to adjust the background color, add a border around the visual and lock the aspect ratio.

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