Blog Post

PASSMN Call for Presenters and Sponsors


4389845415_78d35d64f5_mBefore the year gets going too far and things are too planned out, I thought I would see if there is anyone interested in either presenting at PASSMN or sponsoring our user group.  While many readers probably aren’t local to my user group this is still worth a read since I bet there is a user group somewhere near you.

Being a Presenter

This is a great opportunity to get up and give your hand at teaching people in the community what you’ve learned from your experiences.  Everyone has something to share and starting with a presentation at your local user group can be the fuel that lights your career on fire.

Five years ago I had never presented to anyone before.  I got up in front of the local user group for two reasons.  First, I wanted to tell people about the OUTPUT clause because I thought it rocked.  Second, I figured if I networked and got my name out and about through presenting I could build up my resume and probably do some good to my career.

The end result was that I discovered I enjoyed presenting and it was really my vehicle for learning.  I am a terrible classroom student, but if I have to teach it to someone else I really take the time to learn the topic.  It has been a great inspiration to my career – maybe it will be for you.  Or maybe it’ll get you in front of the manager or recruiter that knows about your dream job.

Being a Sponsor

Sponsors for user groups are what make most user groups possible.  Sure, we can usually find a room somewhere for free.  But with sponsors we can add some beverages and food to the meeting and make it an event. 

Sponsors help lower the bar to improve access to the meetings.  If you miss lunch and have to choose between getting a late lunch or the user group meeting – I know what I’d do.  But knowing that you can slip out at meeting time and there’s something there at the meeting removes that distraction and helps more people get together.

Now those were the reasons why the members like sponsors.  But why should companies want to sponsor.  There are two reasons I like to tell people to sponsor user group meetings.

The first reason is that sponsoring the meeting gets you visibility with the community.  If you have a product that DBAs should be using.  Or you have a few staff positions that you need to fill.  I bet the cost of a few pizzas will pay off well in getting your message out to the community.

The other reason is that once people know about you they need to be reminded what you might be able to offer that can fix their current problems.  Sponsoring the meeting and meeting with some of the attendees can give you the moment you need to say, “hey, we have a product that fits that exact problem.”  You will get that chance to help educate the people of who and what your organization is and does.

The Down Low

Hopefully someone’s interest has been piqued.  If you are local to Minnesota and want to get involved in our group, please get in touch with me through a comment below or through twitter.  If there is another group you’d like to be involved with, heck do the same thing if you can’t find them and I’ll help get you in touch.

Related posts:

  1. PASSMN SQL Summit 2009 – Call For Presenters
  2. PASS Summit 2010 Call for Speakers
  3. Last Call for PASSMN Board of Directors


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