Blog Post

Monday Coffee 2017-04-10


So SQLBits is over and I have to say that I really enjoyed attending on the Saturday, hopefully next year I’ll be able to go for the whole event.

Highlights for me included chatting to the RedGate people about their new product SQL Clone, attending Denny Cherry’s “What not to do with SQL Server” session and of course, presenting my session.

I’m still pretty new to presenting and SQLBits is a little different to SQL Saturdays! Having a microphone and a light shining on you is a bit distracting at first but I found that 10 minutes into my presentation I didn’t notice anymore.

Overall I thought my session went well, I covered everything that I wanted to and had some time at the end which allowed the attendees to ask a few questions, most of which I managed to answer (reasonably well ?? )

One thing I did notice, about half way through my session, was that I was enjoying it. Previously when I’ve spoken I’ve been pretty nervous so have kinda had the mentality of…let’s just get this done…so I hope the fact that I enjoyed it came across.

So all in all, pretty chuffed about how it went and I can’t wait to do more.

Have a good week!


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