Blog Post

January #Meme15 Round-Up


Logo for meme15 The second round of #meme15 finished up last week and it’s time to see who participated.  In total, there were fifteen people that participated in the event.  If I’ve missed anyone, just leave a comment here and I’ll update this post.

As a refresher, #meme15 is dedicated to discussing and sharing tips and tricks for blogging and using social media.  This can be from a personal or professional standpoint.  The intent is that through these posts by myself and others will provide some insight into how to succeed in these areas. This month’s writing assignment was:

  • Why should average Jane or Joe professional consider using twitter?
  • What benefit have you seen in your career because of twitter?

Here we go with all of the posts, in pretty much the order I read them:

Take some time and read through what the bloggers here have had to say about twitter.  If you aren’t on it yet, it’s definitely time to get in on the fun and start growing your career.  If you are, take a look to see if there are other ways you can leverage twitter in your career.

Related posts:

  1. The #Meme15 Round-Up
  2. January #Meme15 Assignment
  3. The Value of Twitter #meme15


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