Blog Post

January 2013 – Monthly SQL Server Checklist


Today is the first Monday of 2013. Do you know if your servers are ready to take on the first month of the new year? Have you figured out if you have the hardware and capacity to make it through the next year? You should know this and, as a DBA, you should have a firm handle on what can possibly go wrong in your environment.

Since this is the time of year for resolutions, let’s all resolve that this year, we’ll check up on all of our servers on a monthly basis. And this time, let’s also make this a resolution that we won’t allow to break or fall by the wayside.

If you are unsure what needs to be checked in your environment on a monthly basis, check out the SQL Server Monthly Checklist that I provide on this blog. It covers pretty much everything that should be checked. If you see anything missing from that list, please leave a comment on this post.

Checklist Updates

There are a few changes to the checklist since last month, these updates include:

If you have time to take a look at it, the SQL Server 2012 Product Guide has been updated.  Some great examples and information on the release are included.


Is there something missing in this checklist or with the pages that has been overlooked?  Any cool links that would aid in the review of your SQL Server environments?  If so, leave a comment below and I’ll take a look.


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