Blog Post

It's NOT too late Win an iPad2 - Share you SQL Story!


Submit your story!


Happy October!

Last month I announced a cool new SQL challenge to simply share your SQL Server Performance story with us, and you would be entered to win an iPad2, and/or some Amazon Gift Cards.  We did generate some buzz, and had some interesting and good stories submitted. Well, the folks at SafePeak, decided they want to have even more stories.  That means, they are EXTENDING the contest submission deadline through October

Now, I KNOW there are many of you out there who have hit the site, thought about it, and even personally emailed me to ask me about it, as well as telling me you WILL be submitting your story soon.  So, what's holding you back?  DO NOT let the voting numbers scare you off!  Voting has NOT been finalized.

And, you will be happy to know, your contest supervisor, that's me, HAS NOT YET VOTED!  Why is this important to know?  I'll tell you why.  I didn't want to pull the 50% card, but, in the interest of encouraging you all to participate, here goes the rules.  Because, unlike your colleagues and peers who are "LIKE"ing and voting up your stories, my vote is worth 50% - FIFTY PERCENT!!  So, get cranking out those stories!

By the way, you can also win JUST by voting for your peers' stories, and sharing this contest with a friend.  Each time you "LIKE" a story, or "REFER A FRIEND", etc., you automatically get entered to win an Amazon Gift Card worth up to $100.00!!

Anyway, it's a fun thing to do, and as the old NY LOTTO SLOGAN goes:  "You gotta be in it, to win it!"

So, here's your chance to participate and win.  I announced when the contest first opened in this original blog post: NEW CONTEST!

Or, you can go directly to the contest page, and submit your story NOW!  DIRECT CONTEST LINK

I'm looking forward to seeing you stories today!  Thank you for your contribution!

You can follow me on Twitter|Pearlknows, and to take a look at our products and services, please visit us at Pearl Knowledge Solutions' website



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