Blog Post

Have You Contributed to “Argenis Without Borders”?


participant_2216So, I’m a little behind the ball on all of this.  And others have already blogged about it:

For those that don’t know, earlier this year, Kirsten Benzel (blog | @SQLSnark) and Argenis Fernandez (blog | @DBArgenis) came up with the great idea of making Argenis look like a unicorn in the name of science.  Well, me like in the name of Doctors Without Borders.

2014-10-20_23-24-01The original goal was to raise $5,000 for Doctors Without Borders, which the SQL Server community smashed through.  This led a few others to offer up some additional public shaming feats of courage to help push the total higher.  At the time of this posting, the community has so far raise over $10K – which means that Brent OzarAdam MachanicSteve Jones, and Grant Fritchey will wear Fluffy Rainbow Leggings and Gail Shaw will wear Rainbow Wings and a Halo around the PASS Summit  Kirsten Benzel will also run/walk #SQLLongRun in the Rainbow Unicorn Hoodie.

But there is more that we can do.  In fact, at $15K, $20K, and $25K there are additional opportunities for ridicule acts of courage in our humble community.  If we get to the top, with the next fifteen days to go, myself and a few others will be getting some Argenis Without Borders tattoos.

So, I ask again… have you contributed to “Argenis Without Borders“?


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