Blog Post

Goal Progress for May 2022


I set goals at the beginning of the year, and I’m tracking my progress in these updates during 2022.

A few days late, and I missed April, but I’m trying to get back on track for May.

It’s been a hectic travel time the last couple months. April was mostly my second job as a coach and May was mostly work. June is a mix, and the in and out of a routine can be a challenge. I made a little progress, but the large amount of things I’m doing impact my ability to make much progress outside of work.

Most of the things that I have done were in conjunction with things related to work. The limited progress is mostly around the limited opportunities to find a common item with work and goals, but I did manage a touch.

I’m raising the goal slightly as I made progress despite the schedule.

Grade: B-

Here are the goals:


  • DP-900 – Passed
  • DP-300
    – Stated studying, practice tests around 80% correct, need to schedule
  • Demo with SQL Server – 20% – dev db set up, started on pipeline
  • Demo with PostgreSQL – 20% – Dev db set up
  • Demo with MySQL – 0%
  • Feedback book – 100% – HIGHLY Recommended
  • Good Strategy/Bad Strategy – 40%


I made a slight alteration here. I didn’t try to hook up to Google Sheets, but instead pasted in some data and started to try and get this moving.

  • Link Google Sheets to Power BI – 0%
  • Create Report – 40%  – I have a report working for some of my metrics.
  • Create Dashboard – 20%  – A basic dashboard up, but need to decide on what to show here.
  • Get people using it – 0%


  • Support the Colorado groups by speaking twice and helping get one event set up
    – 40%
    • CO Springs event set up
    • Meeting with Denver SQL about an event
  • Speak at 3 other user groups outside of Colorado – 66%
    • Spoke at DBA Fundamentals group
    • Spoke at Toronto SSUG
  • Support SQL Saturdays – Help get 10 events run in 2022
    • 6 scheduled or run in , 2 about to go live,  2-3 more close
  • Volunteer 4 days with Habitat – 0 days
    • Not happy about this. Now with a surgery, this will be delayed for a few months.

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