Blog Post

Giving back – Speaking Mentors


I’ve been incredibly lucky in my career. I’ve somehow managed to meet and become friends with highly talented people who are all experts in their respective fields.

They have (almost literally) dragged me into at first blogging, and then eventually speaking. I could not have done any of it without their support and I have benefited immensely from it (professionally and personally).

However I am well aware that this is not the case for everyone. That’s why when Alex Yates (b|t) told me about I jumped straight in.

This is a simple concept. Anyone who wants help either getting into presenting or wants advice on how to improve can contact any one of the people listed as mentors and ask for help.

I was terrified before my first presentation so I know how hard it can be (I’m still terrified but I know now that I can do it), so I am more than happy to spend a bit of time with anyone who wants to ask questions or run through their session.

So if you’re looking for help, please go to the site and get in contact with one of us.

If you’re a seasoned presenter and want to help, please do the same.

This is all about increasing the number of quality presenters out there, and that will benefit everyone.

Have a good week!


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