Blog Post

Follow PASS Keynotes Live Feeds via Blog & Twitter


Not going to be there? No Worries

The PASS Global Summit starts next Wednesday, October 12th in Seattle.  PASS is the Professional Association for SQL Server, an organization that supports a community of tens of thousands of SQL Server professionals around the world.  Over 4,000 members will gather next week in Seattle for this annual event where Microsoft leaders are expected to make some big announcements.  Even if you aren’t able to attend, you can still get announcements and news from the conference as it happens!

How? you might ask.  From me – and from my fellow bloggers and tweeters who will be broadcasting live updates from the daily keynote sessions.  Think of us as “The Press Corp” of PASS, a hand-selected group of active industry informers who are assigned to sit at the Blogger’s Table, at the front of the keynote sessions each morning.  From 8:15 to 10:00 AM each morning, you can follow us to get the low down on big product announcements and other cool, excusive stuff that will be announced by Microsoft leaders during these sessions.

Follow my Blog

I will blog a new post at the beginning of each keynote session and then repost updates, adding to the original, as they occur. 

Just watch my blog at and hit refresh every few minutes to get the updated feed.  Every time I post, a new tweet will also be sent using the hash tag #sqlpass.  I’ll also be sending out other information via Twitter.  Follow me at @paul_turley.

Keynote Agenda

Here’s the agenda for these blog and Tweet feeds during the keynote sessions:

Day 1Wed 10/12
8:15–10 am
Microsoft’s Ted Kummert,
Senior Vice President,
Business Platform Division
PASS President
Rushabh Mehta
Day 2Thur10/13
8:15–10 am
Microsoft’s Quentin Clark, Corporate Vice President,
SQL Server Database Systems Group
Bill Graziano;
PASS Executive VP of Finance
and the PASSion Awards
Day 3FRi10/14
8:15–10 am
Microsoft’s David DeWitt, Technical Fellow,
Data and Storage Platform Division
PASS VP of Marketing Rick Heiges


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If you haven’t been to a conference of this magnitude, let me just paint a picture for you.  Some 4,000 to 5,000 attendees will be seated in a room bigger than Eddie Van Halen’s backyard.  To the left and right of the mondo stage pltform the size of Mission Control are two city-sized projection screens on each side blasting images as big as your hometown theater to the sound of an audio system suitable for a KISS and Judas Priest performance at Madison Square Garden.  To get a decent view, most come in to claim their seats an hour before the sessions begins.  Anyway, we’ll be sitting at the front and center of that room with laptops tuned for streaming some of the most sought-after information on the planet.  …and you can be part of that experience by just tuning in.

Don’t Miss My Sessions
The first slot, immediately following the keynote

Wednesday, 10:15 am in room 608

[BID-304-S] Visual Report Design – Bringing Sexy Back – spotlight session
This will be a fun session filled with useful information, music, entertainment, trivia and plenty of prizes

My last session is the last time slot of the conference.  This is where we find out who the real men and women are – not those who quietly run home to feed their cats and prune their petunias.

Friday, 4:15 pm in room s 602 & 604

[BID-302] Multidimensional Reporting: MDX Essentials for Report Design

Learn the fundamentals of MDX query design for Analysis Services cubes. Migrate your SQL skills to this simple and elegant language that will enable you to unlock the awesome power of a cube and to gain deep insight from a single version of the truth. Learn to develop dynamic, advanced reports by parameterizing MDX queries using expressions and custom code.

Pickup Your Copy of
SQL Server MVP Deep Dives II
and have it signed by all the authors at the bookstore.  Watch for signs and badge ribbons

Expert Pods
I’ll be in the Expert Pods on Wednesday from 2:00 to 4:00.  Please come over if you have questions or need help with anything.

Birds of a Feather Table Discussions
Friday lunchtime
I will be hosting a table about planning self-service report strategies

Filed under: BI Industry, HC Syndication, Microsoft BI Community, Microsoft BI Platform, MVP Community, SolidQ, SQL Syndication Tagged: Global Summit Live Feed


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