Blog Post

Extended Events Gets a New Home


It should be no secret that I am a huge advocate of the Extended Events (XEvents) feature in SQL Server. A good example of this advocacy can be found just by looking through my collection of articles – here.

Over the years I have been working towards improving my collection of articles in a number of ways. I have been trying to add more information all the time. I eventually created a landing page with a compilation of all of the articles. That led to the creation of a shortened link because it was just easier to remember. Then, I created a subdomain, because I wanted to launch a brand new site for XEvents, and redirected it to the landing page in hopes of trying to get the site up sooner rather than later. Truth be told, the subdomain ended up being a lot easier to remember for many than the bitly link. So despite the delays there, it did serve a fair purpose.

Out with the Old

Well, after much pain, blood, sweat, tears and beating up on the hosting companies, XEvents has a new home! The old methods (bitly and subdomain) will still be valid to point to the old landing page – for a time. I have finally completed the launch of with a whole new look and hopefully with better organization of articles.

This new site is intended to not just be a home for articles written by myself, but for various other community leaders on the topic as well. I am currently still migrating some articles and adding to the descriptions and so forth, so be not dismayed if the content seems a little lacking for the near future (it’s a lot of work). Rest assured that the content will be growing and should be easier to find help on topics most important to you!

I will be accepting requests to add content as well as requests to syndicate valuable XEvents content. How? Shortly, I intend to add appropriate forms for each. Worst case scenario, leave me a comment or send me an email or DM. I would personally love to see people like Grant Frtichey (b|t), Erin Stellato (b|t), Erik Darling (b|t), and Jonathan Kehayias (b|t) syndicate a couple of articles to this new resource.

The Wrap

One of the most versatile and awesome power tools given to SQL Server now has a new home! This new home will serve as a fabulous repository of extensive resources and articles on the XEvents feature.

Through the power of XEvents, we can accomplish a great many things and reach extensive insights into our database footprint. Until I have migrated my articles to the aforementioned home, you may continue to read from the library on my site  – here. With the new repository (that is also live, as of this writing, at ), you now have a much more powerful tool at your disposal to help you learn about the power of XEvents!

Come and check out the new repository at as you put your learning into hyper-speed on your path to becoming an expert with this power tool!

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