Blog Post

Database Search in SQL Monitor


I learned something new recently. I can search in SQL Monitor for a database name, not just a server or instance name.

I tested this over at recently after a developer mentioned this feature. If you look at the Global Dashboard, there are a lot of machines. You can see 28 instances monitored, but many more databases.

2022-07-12 09_20_30-Global Dashboard — Mozilla Firefox

If I were looking for the DatabaseWeekly database, I would need to know which instance this was hosted on. I do know, but someone in our IT support org might not.

However, if they start typing in the search box at the, the instances shrink. This is the top left box that has “Filter by name” in light text. If I type “database”, you can see fewer instances.

2022-07-12 09_22_07-Global Dashboard — Mozilla Firefox

If I add the weekly, then you see there is a cluster of two machines that have this database.

2022-07-12 09_22_17-Global Dashboard — Mozilla Firefox

If I pick one of these machines, I can see the databases with this name listed.

2022-07-12 09_25_56-ssc-db-n1_(local) - Server Overview — Mozilla Firefox

A handy little feature I knew nothing about.

Give this a try if you have SQL Monitor and save even more time digging into performance issues. If you don’t have SQL Monitor, download an eval today and give it a try.

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