Blog Post

Daily Coping 6 Jun 2022


I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

Today’s tip is to find three reasons to be hopeful about the rest of the year.

I am more hopeful every month. Early this year and Jan and Feb I was a little sad and worried about the rest of this year. Now I feel more hopeful. Here are a few reasons.

SQL Saturday Jacksonville 2022 was a fun, mostly normal event. Over 200 people, lots of sponsors, and many happy people that enjoyed the event. A few other organizers are excited and there are some other SQL Saturday events scheduled (or coming) for 2022. That makes me happy and hopeful.

Travel is getting easier and smoother. I’ve traveled quite a bit in 2021 and planning on more in 2022. I think that seeing more options, more capacity, and more people make me more hopeful for the world.

Lastly, we had a good season coaching kids. A number of them asked if we would spent 2022-2023 with them. My wife and I put out a request to 11 kids to see if they’d want to be on a team with them. 9 responded yes, so I’m excited for next season.

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