Blog Post

Daily Coping 13 May 2022


I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

Today’s tip is to set yourself a kindness mission to help others today.

A good portion of my life is helping others. SQL Server Central is about helping people in my industry, my work involves helping customers, my spare time is helping athletes become better. I’m often helping my wife with her business.

I was taught a long time ago that I should help people where I can. I pick up trash even if I didn’t drop it. I ask people if I can help them lift something or manage their lives. I’ve stopped to help people when they have a flat tire. I try to be helpful and kind wherever the opportunity arises.

For this tip, I started to try and pay attention to when I have opportunities each day. It’s spring in Colorado, and I found that I was home a lot, working before I leave town. I decided to take some evenings and give my wife a little help. She didn’t need me, and she was busy teaching. However, I’ve learned that kindness often is best when it isn’t needed.

I went out to watch her teach. I was there if she asked me to hold something or get something. I took a few pictures and some video, as I know she likes to see how the horse (or student) responds from a different angle.

Really, I was helpful by giving time. Being a companion.

One of the best things you can give to those you love.

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