Blog Post

Building The SQLSaturday Orlando Marketing Plan–Part 12

, did refund my $19, good!

Team oPASS added SQLSaturday #318 to their calendar, you can see it here, or here’s a part of it:




My previous post has the first flyer design, sent that out for feedback, and saw the second one was stalled waiting for feedback from me, so sent that and hope to have back soon.

Lists/people with reach, in no particular order:

  • Our speakers and volunteers (blogs, Twitter, etc)
  • Seminole State College (venue host)
  • Contacts at UCF & Valencia?
  • ONETUG (local .Net group)
  • Other .Net groups in Florida
  • Other SQLSaturday events in Florida prior to ours (S Fla)
  • Other PASS chapters in Florida (focus on Tampa, Space Coast, Jax)
  • Craigslist
  • Orlando Tech Events (if we can get them to respond)
  • MSDN Flash
  • LinkedIn (oPASS group, MagicPASS?)
  • Linkedin Ad?
  • Sponsors (especially local staffing companies)
  • Local newspaper business section
  • (via oPASS group)
  • FLADotNet
  • Fla speakers/influencers (need to build this list, not direct part of SQL community or not
  • New Horizons/Devry
  • Twitter (opass, magicpass, SQLSaturdayOrlando)
  • MS Contacts in Fla (Joe Healy, Blain Barton –has his own newsletter)
  • Powershell contacts in Fla
  • FullSail
  • Top 100 companies in Orlando (, stretch goal – work the network)
  • Familab (David R)
  • Seminole/Orlando Chamber of Commerce (top down target)
  • Does Dice (and similar) have a way to purchase ad space?
  • Geo/keyword targeted ads on Google/Bing (perhaps stretches the definition of list)
  • That list needs work, some are vague, some need targets for when or how often. Big win right now is to find places where it can go up and stay for a while (part of a calendar type view maybe). Some of these will take a lot of effort (finding contacts at the Top 100 for example).

    More ideas:

    • I’d really like to have something that registrants can pin up to a cube wall. Is that the flyer, or something better? There is a lot of value in that “drive by” marketing. Something collectible, something eye-catching, something that others will want.
    • How about one of those “inspirational” posters for the event? Or even a despair one? I think we might have some fun writing taglines! Not just to be cute, but to engage the people that attend or want to attend or might attend – finding the right tone might tilt some and amuse the rest. Might be a good contest!
    • Got SQL?
    • Just say No to No-SQL (eh)
    • I’m a SQL …..
  • Time to start thinking about who/what roles might accelerate marketing

    Next steps:

    • Ask oPASS to post SQLSaturday to their group on LinkedIn
    • No MagicPass LinkedIn? Start one?
    • Ask for input on email template design
    • Still need Twitter update from oPASS/Kendal
    • Need to go back over my previous posts and see if I dropped stuff that needs to be pulled forward
    • Talk to ONETUG about sharing marketing ideas
    • Find a marketing book/blog


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