Blog Post

Book Status #1: Indexing for Performance


As some of you may know, I am writing a book on indexing.  So far I’ve written and submitted four of the chapters to the publisher.  If anyone ever says, “Writing a book is easy” – kick them.  When they tell you – “it’s really hard” you might want to have them kick you.  Writing a book is one hell of a challenge and I had no idea going in to this what that meant.

Enough about me, let’s talk a bit about the book.  Tomorrow it will be time to start on the next chapter; which happens to be Index Myths and Best Practices.  This chapter is going to take a look at a number of myths that people believe for one reason or another and debunk them.  Then it’ll dig into some best practices that are thrown around and offer a little proof as to why they may be considered best practices.

Do you have something you’d like to see covered in this section?  Leave a comment and we can talk about it – the conversation may just end up in the book in some form.

PS – For those that haven’t heard about the book that is in progress, I’ll be putting together some posts on what’s been written so far to see what people are clambering for. 

Related posts:

  1. Free SQL Server Security Book
  2. What Are Your Indexing Strategies?
  3. Webcast Next Week – Performance Impacts Related to Different Function Types


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