Blog Post

Book: Expert Performance Indexing for SQL Server 2012



After about a year of work and a month of waiting, the book I wrote with Ted Krueger (Blog | @Onpnt) is finally out and available on  When I first considered putting a book together, I thought about the books out there and wondered why I hadn’t seen anything on just indexing.  There are books on performance tuning, database design, and query writing.  But nothing that took the time to do a deep dive into indexing.  So to fix that, Ted and I put this little tome together.

What you can expect from the book is the following:

Expert Performance Indexing for SQL Server 2012 is a deep dive into perhaps the single-most important facet of good performance: indexes, and how to best use them. The book begins in the shallow waters with explanations of the types of indexes and how they are stored in databases. Moving deeper into the topic, and further into the book, you will look at the statistics that are accumulated both by indexes and on indexes. All of this will help you progress towards properly achieving your database performance goals.

What you’ll learn from Expert Performance Indexing for SQL Server 2012 will help you understand what indexes are doing in the database and what can be done to mitigate and improve their effects on performance. The final destination is a guided tour through a number of real-world scenarios and approaches that can be taken to investigate, mitigate, and improve the performance of your database.

  • Defines indexes and provides an understanding of their role
  • Uncovers and explains the statistics that are kept in indexes
  • Teaches strategies and approaches for indexing databases

The e-book isn’t out quite yet, but should be out by later this week.  If you want to dig into indexing, I think we put together something good here.  For those that get a chance to read it, leave me a comment or send me an e-mail to let me know what you think of it.

In Other News

In other news, I was also re-awarded the MVP for SQL Server on July 1st.  This is my fourth award and it continues to be an honor to be recognized by Microsoft for my contribution to the SQL Server community.  It’s a great pat on the back for writing here on the blog and in publications, like the book.  And for the time spent going out and presenting at the PASS Summit and SQL Saturdays. Of course, if people didn’t care what I was doing, then there would be no community that I’d be helping, so for those that do frequent this blog and pay attention to me on twitter and in presentations, thank you.

Also, July 1st marked my run as an Idera ACE.  It’s a great program that they have going to help promote community speakers.  For the next year, I’ll have an opportunity to engage more with their community of users.  You’ll see me present a few times in their webcasts and likely see me hanging around their booth at some more SQL Saturdays.  One of the perks is that they’ll be providing travel and lodging to a few SQL Saturdays while I am an ACE.  Can’t wait to get out more.

Oh, and the next two or three posts in the Lost in Translation series will be late.  I have another book chapter to wrap up before I can get back to those.

Original article: Book: Expert Performance Indexing for SQL Server 2012

©2012 Strate SQL. All Rights Reserved.

Related posts:

  1. Book Status #1: Indexing for Performance
  2. What Are Your Indexing Strategies?
  3. Free SQL Server Security Book


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