Blog Post

Blog Round-up – What Are You Thankful For?


Last week I suggested to others that we institute a little idea theft and put together a few blog posts sharing the things in life we are thankful for.  As the holiday season is upon us and that whole Thanksgiving thing happened in the United States this seemed like a good time for doing this.

As a result, we had a few great posts that were published in the past week.  In absolutely no particular order, unless you go to my blog and see that it’s the order of the comments.

Pat Wright (Blog | @SqlAsylum)
In his post, What am I thankful for?, he talks about the community and mentions the need to cherish the little things.  How a presentation and a breakfast can have a lasting and enduring impact.

Pam Shaw (Blog | @PamShaw)
Her fourth post, on her new blog, is Thanksgiving musings.  Pam talks about the being grateful about the things she has and protecting them more as time passes.

Bob Pusateri (Blog | @SQLBob)
His post is What I’m Thankful For.  Bob’s second favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and he is thankful for Michelle, family, friends, those who teach, his job, SQL Server and the community.

Jack Corbett (Blog | @UncleBiguns). 

Jack discusses what he’s thankful for in What I’m Thankful For.  In his post he is thankful for his faith; which has brought comfort through some hard times.  Along with that he is thankful for family and friends.  He also makes special mention of his friendship with Mike Walsh that has grown based on a common faith and career.  The power of the technology in today’s world helps us bridge great distances to build great friendships.

Ted Krueger (Blog | @Onpnt)

Ted talks about being thankful with What am I thankful for?.  His post starts with him being thankful of his new job and the transition into it.  He is then thankful for family mentioning friends and the SQL Server community as a part of that larger family.

Mike Walsh (Blog | @Mike_Walsh)

Mike provides the things he is thankful for with A Song of Thanksgiving.  In his post he discusses his faith, what it means to him, and why he is thankful for it.  Along with this he talks about his wife, children, job, the SQL Server community, and health, shelter, and food.  One last item he mentions are Blue and Gold Star families and his appreciation of the support they provide to the servicemen in their families that are overseas.

Aaron Bertrand (Blog | @AaronBertrand)

A Canadian contribution with What I’m Thankful For.  Aaron already celebrated this year but took time out to celebrate again and share his thanks.  He’s thankful for his wife, other loved ones, health and SQL Server.

Andy Lohn (Blog | @SQLQuill)

Andy wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving from SQL Feather and Quill.  In his post he talks about his family, including his 2 dogs, and work and running.  Andy helped with our SQL Saturday, on a Friday, earlier this year and I am thankful back to him for that support.

Sarah Sjolander (Blog | @DanceM0m)
Her post is What am I thankful for?.  In it she talks about children, family and friends, career, and her faith.   Oh yeah, she also mentions her new fiancé – which she doesn’t mentioned but caused her to have to rewrite a portion of her blog.

Finally, we wrap up with my blog post.  I talk about my career, job, friends, children, and my new-fiancé Sarah.  It’s the person from the previous paragraph that got a new fiancé as well.  While she isn’t a SQL Server professional, she’s done all right with joining the SQL Server community providing me support.

It feels good to be a part of a community where people appreciate what they have.  It appears there are a lot of people in the community that feel the same way and that the power of the community has created a special bond between all of us.  For a lot of us our careers and the community related to this brings us closer and we find comfort in having others to lean on.

I hope everyone had the Thanksgiving weekend that they were looking for and enjoy the rest of the holiday season.  If I happened to miss a post, please let me know and I will provide an update.

Related posts:

  1. What Am I Thankful For
  2. What are you thankful for?
  3. This blog entry brought to you by the procedure "sp_MSForEachDB"


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