Blog Post

April PASSMN Meeting (April 19)


2599581983_0e50209744_mEvery career, whether on purpose or accident, is a journey from one job or project to another.  To achieve great success, you need to steer your career along a path that fits who you are an where you want to go.  The trouble in all of this is understanding the options ahead of you.

As an aim to help the Minnesota SQL Server user group in this regards and those that tend to listen in to our meetings, we are shifting focus of the meeting this month from the technical to professional development topics.

First up for the night, we’ll feature Joe Sack (Blog|@josephsack).  He’s the acting Program Manager for the Microsoft Certified Master SQL Server program.  Joe will discuss the Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) program.  Is the MCM for SQL Server right for you?  Are this certification and associated training in your future?  Listen in an find out.

Next, we’ll have Jacquie Garberg from Benchmark Learning.  She’ll be discussing your career today and in the future.  Looking at what you need to do to continuously prepare to keep and get your job. 

Finally, after the surveys are collected, I’ll be to discuss the MVP program.  This will be a discussion similar to what happened ad-hoc at SQL Saturday 67.  We’ll start by looking at what the MVP program is.  Then we’ll talk about the benefits that the program offers to both those that are in the MVP program and those outside the program.  Lastly, we’ll wrap up with a discussion on the things that people often discuss when it comes to being an MVP.

This should be a great meeting and I hope you can join – for more details, check out the meeting announcement.

Related posts:

  1. Tonight April PASSMN Meeting (04/21/2009)
  2. Next Tuesday April PASSMN Meeting (04/21/2009)
  3. April PASSMN Meeting (04/21/2009)


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